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~theyoungG and lilyoungie~

theyoungG: hyung, can i ask you about something?

lilyoungie: sure

theyoungG: you know yugyeom?

lilyoungie: uh...nope

theyoungG: the boy from this morning? you were talking to him before i came over!

lilyoungie: oh that brat who walked into me

lilyoungie: yeah, what about him? are you like dating or something?

theyoungG: well, no. but he's my best friend. he seemed really down about something you said to him. can i just ask what you said?

lilyoungie: nothing important. i just said he's clumsy.

theyoungG: well, i know its strange of me to ask but could you please be nicer to him in the future? he's more sensitive to other people in our year and i think he was really upset by what you said

lilyoungie: no.

theyoungG: what?! jinyoung-hyung!!

lilyoungie: not my fault he can't handle it

theyoungG: pleeaassseeeeeeee, hyung!!!!! :((( he's my best friend and he really means a lot to me 

lilyoungie: whatever

lilyoungie: fine

theyoungG: thank you, thank you, thank you

lilyoungie: go to bed

theyoungG: goodnight and thank you~~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

lilyoungie: do not ever make me look at that soft shit ever again ew go to BED

theyoungG: ;) ;) ;)


hi, guys. sorry for the long wait :(

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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