
Once I got home, I immediately took off my clothes and threw them on the floor. I was so exhausted after today. I forgot how much kids could tire me out. And because of my nose too, that was aching a lot. All the doctor told me is that my nose was bruised. He just gave me pain killers and told me to place an ice pack on the bridge when I lay down. And the cherry on top, I am so horny. Me releasing myself earlier didn't help at all. I needed the feeling of actually being inside of Serenity... or anyone for that matter.

I headed to the bathroom so I could take a nice warm shower. I was practically naked as I walked in, stopping short in front of the mirror. I checked myself out; my hair was getting a little longer than what I liked, probably should have cut it a few days before school started. I looked down at my chest, eyeing my chest hair; should they stay, or should they go? I took off my necklace I had on and placed it on the counter. It was my dad's necklace before he passed away. It was a gold chain with a La Virgin de Guadalupe pendant. He got it when he was baptized in Mexico, and he gave it to me when I got baptized. I never really wore it before, I wasn't a huge fan of wearing jewelry back then, but when my dad passed, I decided to wear it in memory of him.

I stepped inside the shower, immediately turning on the hot water as I moved myself underneath the shower head. Letting the water pour over me, my mind was all over the place. Showers always gave me time to think things through, and to just think about life in general. Does that happen to you guys too?

I kept thinking about my time with Serenity, how surprised I was that she showed up in my life again. And my mind wandered, thinking about our times we spent today, turning each other on, getting each other off. I looked down and saw my buddy getting a bit excited. Down boy! Also, I couldn't help but notice how well we spoke with each other, how things weren't awkward at all between us. Sure, there were still some unanswered questions and whatnot, but we''d address those soon enough. Like the Tyson thing. I don't know who's telling me the truth, but I do feel bad for going after Serenity's sister. That was low, and I know I shouldn't have done that, but hurt people hurt people. Our conversations we had flowed like water, and that's always a must for me, being able to hold a conversation with someone.

Serenity is a great person. She's intelligent, funny, down to earth, sarcastic as hell, beautiful, and so much more. And I don't know if I should shoot my shot, or try playing in another court. My mind immediately drifted to Denise. She seemed like a sweet girl, we didn't talk as much, but she seemed really cool regardless. Why does that name sound so familiar? Anyway, I sort of wished I had gotten her num- oh wait. She went on a date tonight. So she could quite possibly be spoken for pretty soon.

I let my mind wander, thinking about a bunch of stuff as I finished up showering. I grabbed a towel from the rack, and wrapped it around my waist. I exited the bathroom and went to the living room, searching for the pain killers I received, as well as the ice pack. I was ready to just pass the eff out. I glanced at the time, and the clock read 9:52. Do I want to have one of my booty calls come over?

I took a couple of the pain killers, and headed to my room to get dressed. Daddy's getting some action tonight after all! I stepped inside my closet and decided what to wear. I could go for something casual, maybe just a simple tee and some jeans? Or shorts? Opening my dresser, I pulled out a black tee and a pair of dark washed jeans. Grabbed a pair of briefs and socks, I was almost ready to go. I finished my outfit off with some white shoes, simple enough.

I heard my stomach growl. Hm, I guess I haven't ate since breakfast. I'll eat now before calling a girl, don't want her getting the wrong picture that I want to hang out more than just hooking up. The horror. I always make my intentions perfectly clear; I tell them straight up, multiple times, that I don't want a relationship with them. That I only want to have sex with them. And I don't know why they think they can change that, why they think they're the ones who can pull me out. Like come on, I'm telling you what I want.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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