Chapter 4

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*Alarm rings*

Mistia shuts it off ..

*Alarm rings again after 5 min*

Again Mistia turns it off ..

"Mistia", Mrs. Jane calls her

Mr. Charles(Mistia's Dad): Mistia .. Wakeup its 7 .. dont you have to go to school ..

Mistia: Nah, Dad I am not feeling well ..

Mr. Charles: Why whats happening ?

Mistia: I think I am gonna puke ..

She runs to the toilet and Awk..

Jefree: Ewwwww ... I think I am gonna puke too

Mrs. Janes runs to the kitchen to get Mistia some mint ...

Mr. Charles: Mistia dear .. are you okay?

Mistia: Yeah Dad I am fine already ..

Mr. Charles: What did you eat yesterday?

Mistia: Nothing much dad .. I just had a sandwich while Hailey... that hungry person ate a pizza, Sandwich and  drank chocolate shake .. I cant understand .. she eats as if she is hungry from past 40 days .. then too she doesnt gain any weight..and look at me .. even if I smell a sweet thing I gain weight.

Mr. Charles laughs ..

Mrs. Janes enters the room

Mistia: Mom no.. I don't want to eat any mint ..

Mrs. Janes: Oh cmon dear .. this will help to digest the food you ate ..

Mistia obeys her mom and eats it ..

She misses her school ...

In the afternoon ..

She is sitting on the couch when her cell rings..

Its Hailey...  before she could say anything  .. Hailey started screaming from the other side ..

Hailey: Bitch..  Why didnt you come to school !

Mistia: I can explain ..

Hailey: No ..  I dont want to listen anything ..

Mistia: I was sick ..

Hailey: O.. I am sorry .. How are you now ....

Mistia: I am fine now ..

Hailey: Okay ... Are you free today?

Mistia: Yepp certainly

Hailey: Now??

Mistia: Yah .. I am free .. Y?

Hailey: Can I come at your house .. I am alone at home and getting bored ..

Mistia: Yea sure .. Dont bring any type of food

Hailey: Yea .. I wont ..

Mistia: Good girl .. come fast ..

Hailey: Yah .. Yah sure bbye

She hung up ..

Mistia: Yaa.. Ohh ... Hello .. ughhh

*Hailey comes at her home*

Hailey: Well Mistia.. You remember of the talk of you going to prom with me and Lee  . ..

Mistia: Ya .. But if you guys do not agree I will not join you .. I totally understand

Hailey: Will you listen to me !!

Mistia: Yupp  . .. bark

Hailey: You know .. Anwar..

Mistia: Ya.. that guy with glasses and a weird smile ..

Hailey: Yuppp You got it

Mistia: Ya .. I know him ..

Hailey: Well.. he was asking for you ..

Mistia: For me !!? I don't get it.

Hailey: He asked me that whether you would go with him to prom
or not..

Mistia: Yes .. I would  ... .

*At night* ( In the bed)

She thinks of Anwar  and blushes a little bit  . . .. she dozes off ..

*Morning Alarm*

She jumps out of the bed and freshens up   ... wears her dress and rushes out of her room ..

Jefree: Heyy U ... where the hell are you going ..

Mistia: To school .. why?

Jeffree : Its Sunday!!

Mistia: What!!!

Mr. Charles: Yuppp

Mrs. Janes: Whats  so serious .. I mean look at you ..  You so want to go to school  ... what is it ?

Mistia: (Throwing her bag on the couch) Alright..That day you asked me about my partner for prom ..

Mrs.Janes: Yes dear .. did you find anyone?

Jefree: Hshh.. dont mention it ..  otherwise she will puke again

Mistia hits his head and continues ..

"Well there is a guy named Anwar in our school .. " she said

Mrs. Janes: Ohh .. thats awesome.. so did he ask you or you did...

Mistia: boo .. No .. he asked

Mrs. Janes: Well thats good ..

Mistia's Dad just leaves for work saying her that ..

" Girl.. You are so precious to me ..  I cant even explain .. But do not think yourself inferior ..  You are better then all .. bye"  *kisses her forehead* and leaves ..

Mistia smiles ..

Mrs . Janes : So you were going to meet that guy huh .. 

Mistia: Yea..

Mrs. Janes: Well Anwar ...  hmm.. he is not Christian .. is he ?

Mistia: No mom.. He is a Muslim .. american ..

Mrs. Janes : Well dear .. Best of luck for him .. Okay now I have to leave .. Make sure you have lunch .. and make sure you both dont kill either of yourselves .. Bye

Mistia and Jefree: Bye Mom

As soon as she leaves ..

They both started their mischiefs..

Hello lovelies..  Do share, vote and comment:) . ..

°°°°Just for you .... Hailey refers to as my best friend TauraFates  .. she is the best .. love you my people ...

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