Chapter 11

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Ring ring

Sebastian  picked up his phone

"Seb its me"

"Me who?" I ask in the most lost tone possible.

"Seb its me, Margarita"

"Marge- " Why on Earth would  she be calling me.How does she even have my number?

"Is it true Seb? Is it true that you went black?"

"Went black?"... What  do you mean, as in blackface?
"...  i'm not black face?"

"Blackface? not Blackface... I was told that you are apparently involved with a black woman" 

"And your point is?" I was really getting  annoyed and she hadn't even got to the point of why she was calling." Why are you calling me?"

"Because  I want you back i know you miss me too we could both do with the publicity...and I know she is no good for you, since when do you like baggage  anyway I heard she has a child and a husband?"

She had the nerve to try and have an opinion  on my life.She broke up with me, telling me that i was holding her back. As if i relationship  was nothing more than a publicity scheme and nothing more.

"Its not the baggage that  I like, its  about the person im in love with" - the person im in love with, wow I'm in love with Jessalyn.

"In love... you're in love with her... I - I  got to go Sebastian"
Just like that she hung up on me. Hopefully she heard the sincerity and honesty  in my voice  because its  the truth, im in love with Jessalyn. Now all i have to do is make sure that she knows that too.

Macki walks back into the room...

"Hey i heard your phone call man. And if what you said is the truth - well then im proud of you. I was begining to think the Winter Soldier was a metaphor for your love life. 

"Hilarious Mack-"

"But You really need to go and tell her exactly how you feel. " he then said in a more seriouse tone.

And thats exactly  what I was going to do.  I got my things and went towards the front door of Mackie's house. I shouted goodbye to Mackie  and my Goddaughter and then opened the door-

I was then greeted with camera flashes that blinded my for a second and a half, and when my vision  finally  came back i saw the last person that I expected  to come walking up - scratch that, literally running up to me. And before I could register what was happening, Margarita came up to me and smashed her lips onto me for all the paparazzi to feast the eyes as well as cameras  on. 

I then  then pushed her back - not too hard or else she would of fallen and then i  asked her.

"What are doing? Why did you do that?... Are you insane?...You're  in sane and I'm  leaving."

"Wait Seb...please  i dont have a ride and i cant be left here with all these  paparazzi...just give me a lift to my place."

Why would i  help her. "Are you fine in the head, you just kissed me in front of all of them! Find your  own  ride"

"Please  Seb...i know  that you are not that cruel"
Gosh she's  right...paparazzi  are no joke.

"Fine im just gonna  drive you out until  we lose them  and  then  im calling you a  cab. Thats all im willing  to do"

Then a sly smile formed onto her face."Thats okay Seb, thats more than okay"
And then she followed me to my car and we sped off away from the hyenas  with their cameras.


Dimitri pov

"Boss we have men watching her."

"Good job Igor...Make sure there is no contact with her or my son or you will have me to deal with"

"Yes Boss" and then Igor left my office.

I just sat at desk and looked at an old picture of my love holding my son while sitting  on my lap. If only she could of understood why I really left her. It was not because of some  skank that was just a cover story. But it was the only  way  to  keep my family  safe. If the Sicilian mob got wind that i had a family and more importantly  that i had a son they would do everything in their  power to take them away from me. Thats why i left to Take Care of the threat to my family.

But now i hear she is seeing some actor. I feel so betrayed. And the worst  part is i feel like my son likes him to.

But things are going to change i will  get my love family back.

And i dont care who or what gets in my way, especially  some pretty boy actor. 

Ring ring

  Did you manage to do it-
  Good make sure you destroy  that     phone-
  Oh and remember  you only get paid when everything is  over"  i then hung up  and threw the burner phone in the bin. And through a match in it to burn it.


Well that's it for this chapter. Got a chance to be in the minds of the men for a change.
Tell me what guys think. Who should Jessalyn choose?
Comment and more importantly share this book, its the only way i know its worth finishing.

Love you guys and be kind to one another

His Son / Sebastian Stan Where stories live. Discover now