Rick sighed and walked to the door.

"I'm going downstairs. Want to come?" he asked, and Jasmine shook her head.

"Nope, thanks. I'm gonna stay up here with my book," she replied, picking up her book from her bed.

"Are you going to be okay?" Rick asked, and Jasmine nodded.

"Yes, I will. Go." She said. Rick smiled, shaking his head fondly, and walked out, closing the door behind him. Jasmine read for a bit more, before she lay back against the pillows on her bed with a small kitten curled up near her head, and shut her eyes.


Jasmine took a relaxing bath, putting on clean clothes and dragging a brush through her hair, feeling instantly refreshed-considering what they had left behind them. She lay on her bed, thinking about everything that had happened. So, Evy's trouble-causing talent had won the top position against jasmine's -there was no way she could top accidentally waking up a three-thousand-year-old corpse. And then there was Ardeth. Was he still okay? What if he was hurt? What if Imoteph caused the curse to worsen.

She was interrupted from her thoughts by a knock on her door; she left her bedroom, walked through the foyer and opened the door, surprised to see Henderson standing there.

"Oh, hello."

"Jasmine," he greeted. "O'Connell told me where I could find you."

"He did? Well, what can I do for you?" she asked him, leaning against her door-frame.

"Can I take you out for dinner?" he asked Jasmine hopefully, surprising her.



Jasmine pressed her lips into a thin line. She was starving, and to have some proper food would go down a treat, admittedly. "Your brother is there as well."

"Uhh, Sure. Are you ready to go now?" Henderson nodded. So Jasmine quickly found her small bag and locked up, following Henderson out of the Fort.

"How's Mr Burns doing?" she asked, a little timidly, watching him tense up slightly.

"Not good," he murmured. "He doesn't want to see anybody...not even a doctor, to ease his pain. Daniels is taking it hard-they've known each other since they were boys."

"Ah," Jasmine said quietly.

"But let's not talk about it," Henderson requested. "This may be my last night on this Earth and I damn well am not gonna' spend it brooding." Walking closer to Jasmine.

"It's not going to be your last night Henderson," Jasmine told him defiantly, creating the appropriate distance between them, without any comments on it, hoping he would get the hint.

"Oh yeah? How'd you figure that?"

"Because...because we'll figure something out!" Jasmine said.

"Look, Evy feels terrible about waking him up and wants to find a way to stop him, and I'll be helping her out. We'll figure it out," Jasmine added, perhaps convincing herself as well as Henderson.

They rounded a corner and spotted a small, local restaurant on the edge of the main town. Jasmine didn't notice the dark-haired chief of the desert people, who had just arrived in Cairo, watching them from a distance.


Later on that evening, Jasmine, Rick, Adam and Henderson arrived back into the Fort. She had to admit that, she enjoyed the evening more than she would. Rick stopped to see Evy while Adam went to back to get more drinks, he had been distant ever since they got back. Henderson walked her back to her quarters; it was late and time for bed. Jasmine was shattered, and in need of a decent night's sleep in a warm and comfy bed.

"Well, thanks for a nice evening Henderson," Jasmine said sincerely, unlocking her apartment door.

"It was nothin' darlin'," he replied, watching as she hovered in the doorway. "Can I...can I come in?"

Jasmine sighed. "I'm sorry, but, no, I'll see you tomorrow."

"You'd deny a man what could possibly be his last request?" Henderson muttered, leaning in closer.

"You're not going to die, Henderson," Jasmine said in exasperation. "He doesn't know where we are, who we are, and he could be stuck at Hamunaptra for all we know, Ardeth-"

"Actually, it doesn't matter," Henderson said, her off. "We're not at Hamunaptra, your family aren't close by...."

He reached a hand towards her waist, pulling her close, Jasmine reached to pull out her knife but he caught her wrist and pulled her closer. Suddenly he shouted and pulls his hands away from her, only for her to push him away from her and into the wall behind him, she pulls out her dagger out and places it against his throat. "I said, "i said 'NO', Henderson. Now, i'll take my leave and try something like that again, my brother, Adam or even my husband, would be the last person you should be scared of." Jasmine said firmly, noticing that he stiffened bit was looking past her.

Jasmine turned around, only to find Ardeth, standing inside her room, looking at them with a face void of any expression. She immediately lets go of Henderson and takes a step back.

"So he can but i can't?" Henderson spat.

"Considering, he's my husband and you're not, i think it's fair. "

With that, she slammed the door and locked it, turning around to face Ardeth.

There was a long silence, "so, I'm your husband?" Jasmine flushed at that, mumbling incohesive sentences, unable to form any sense as he walked closer.

"Well?" He teased her, even more, enjoying watching her blush and stutter under his glance. He leaned down a little and he felt her inhale sharply. " I only said the truth, its meant to happen anyway. " Jasmine suddenly feeling daring and wrapped her arms around his neck, tiptoeing to do so. Their eyes locked, they didn't need words to fill up the silence. This silence said it all, this silence was enough to know words that each other's heart held.

There was a sharp knock on the door, Jasmine let out a gasp as her eyes widen and she snaps her head towards the door, stepping away from the man she was having a moment with. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at the reason for the disturbance.

"Open up, sis" shouted a voice from outside, a voice belonging to her brother, she turned to look back towards Ardeth, only to find herself alone with the wind blowing softly from the window caressing her hair.


A/n:- thank you for all the love and support. As well as being patient with me.

Random fact:- fish can cough.

Random fact about me:- I still watch some cartoons, Disney movies and old barbie movies.



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