No Jywalking in New York City

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Hey, guys :D I had some friends who were probably trying to weird me out since I’m totally weird and I hardly ever get weirded out. They told me they were dating in a completely joking way, but turning the tables on them, I created a shipping name for them, Jyler, and me and my friends were laughing about creating a fanfiction for them. I wasn’t bluffing, so here it is, up for the world to see and maybe, just maybe, they’ll die of embarrassment.

A man looked at his watch. The subway was late again, as it always is. People just have too many places to be in New York City. Oh whatever, his cousin could always spare a few minutes. He took this time to quickly fix his suit and tie. He wished he could set the huge package down on the floor, but New York subway stations were really dirty.

To tell the truth, this guy did not want to be here. He didn’t want to wait for this subway to get to the stupid fancy restaurant in Manhattan. He didn’t want to be a part of his girly cousin’s wedding, and he certainly did not want to carry the heavy box all the way there. He wasn’t weak, but lugging around a box wrapped in pink and tied with a sparkly clear bow is not the best way to walk around the city.

After a few minutes, a rumbling sound was heard and what few people were at the small stop boarded, a few giving him weird looks. He was aware that gay marriage was not that popular in America yet, but he was certainly not gay. Apparently, that’s hard to understand since he was carrying a box of sunshine and girly rainbows around.

His cousin’s fiancé wasn’t a bad guy, really. He was actually pretty chill about everything. Like that time this man accidentally spilled coffee on him while on a luncheon. He understood why she was marrying him, though he could be a bit nerdy. Okay, not a bit, a whole lot. He scratched his neck; he was definitely not used to this stuff. He would much rather go to Mickey D’s or cook at home than go to some fancy-shmancy restaurant. He sighed and looked out the window, prepared for the long trip.

~~~ - ~~~ - ~~~

Another man sighed as he turned the face from the window. It wasn’t a sad sigh, but a rather happy one. Ecstatic even. Today was a good day to go out on a date with his girlfriend. They had agreed to meet at a Chinese food restaurant after she got out of work. Today was his off day, a day when he could just relax without having to worry about programming a stupid bouncing ball or debugging the newest game show app his company created. Just thinking about it gave him shivers.

He didn’t understand how he got a girl like her. She was funny, understanding, and did not b***h on everyone like those internet memes imply. He had a funny feeling those were written by forever alones. Any day now, he would propose to her. He just had to make sure first that she would be completely surprised. About three things he was absolutely positive. First, she was innocent. Second, there was a part of her- and he didn’t know how dominant that part might be- that wanted to spend her life with him. And third, he was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with her.

Okay, he just couldn’t resist adding that in. He wasn’t a fan of Twilight, but those lines are just too funny. Weirdly enough, the statement was true. She was innocent, as in not knowing signs when you see them. Before they started dating, he hinted at her for so long and she didn’t notice until her friends pointed it out.

Suddenly, a man walked in and sat next to him. Normally, he wouldn’t have noticed, except he realized he knew this man. (Actually, the better explanation was that he noticed the pink box.) The other male must have noticed the same thing, because his eyes lit up in recognition.

“Oh, hey, Tyler! Nice to see you!” He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know him particularly well, but they attended the same computing course. Of course, they were at the prime age, just over 21, the legal drinking age. This was quite an awkward situation, since he didn’t know this guy’s name. He took a random guess.

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