"I believe it's the tea, not the potion."

"What kind of crap is this?"

"It's a type of milk tea."

"...I hate you."

"I know."

Oh... he's doomed.


"Sirius had come to my home sometime before the murders of James and Lily Potter. He had come seeking advice on him being their Secret Keeper. He wanted to hand it over to someone else as he was the most obvious choice for the role. There was a fear that Remus Lupin was a possible traitor at the time and Albus Dumbledore already had so much in his plate, and James had shot both of them down for possible Secret Keepers."

"Did the both of you come up with a list of possible candidates?"

"We came up with the Longbottom's, and...Peter Pettigrew. It went down to one when the Longbottom's went into hiding and that left with Pettigrew."

"Was it agreed to have him become Secret Keeper?"

"It was agreed that he would be a better choice them himself."


"Whe' I arriv', Black was lookin around the gravel. 's wan't a pretty sight... He was trying ter look fer 'em bodies, he looked los' an' hands raw from searching for their bodies... We searched fer...fer... few..."

Someone signaled for someone to hand the witness a handkerchief for his tears.

"We found James fir's, he didn' even have his wan' in his hand. At tha' point, we both feared fer Lily an' 'Arry. Lily...dead righ' in front o' Arry's crib. I picked im' up, held him close before I handed im' over to Black. He...He cried, saying he was sorry before he handed him back ter me."

"After tha', Black let me borr'w that uh...totor-cylce?"

"For the record, it is called a motorcycle, a muggle's contraption to move around, which Sirius Black charmed to fly."

"Tha'. I took 'Arry to Hogwarts for Pomfrey and Dumbledore."


"I apparated from there to the most obvious places where that rat could have run off to hide. It didn't take me that long. I cornered him in an alleyway. At that moment, I had never felt such anger until that moment. I wanted him dead for betraying our friends. But I knew that wouldn't fix things and James wouldn't want that.

"He began to yell out how I supposedly betrayed him, our friends and my godson. Bastard, when he was swinging his arms around, I saw the mark of Voldemort."

Gasps and whispers filled the courtroom.

"Pettigrew went out about how I supposedly joined the Dark Eaters before he blew himself and those muggles up. Damn rat..."


"Before we start your testimonial, state your name and title."

"Colonel Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist."



"What is your exact part of this case?"

"I was tasked with using my past experience as a Military Officer, Alchemist, and vast knowledge to dissect this case and to see where everyone fucked up in this case."

"Watch our mouth, Muggle."

"What? You guys wanted me to take that truth potion shit."

"...I'll let it go this once. Continue with the questions."

Alchemy:  Tiny StepsWhere stories live. Discover now