“Tay, you look gorgeous!” Both Natasha and Andrea squealed, bouncing up and down in excitement. All Taylor could do was smile back, too shocked for words.

“Alrighty, let’s get you married!” Andrea chirped, helping Taylor up and giving her the wedding gown.


Grasping tightly to her father’s arm, all she could think about was the nerves in her stomach. They were clenching painfully, like locked up birds, trying to spring free.

“Honey, you can do this,” her father’s brown eyes bore into her own, reminding her of all the gifts she’d received. Her father was back in her life, her family was complete, and she was about to start another.

Running her hands lightly over her gown, she reminded herself how ready she was.

“Don’t worry sweetie, you look beautiful,” her dad smiled down at her before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Taylor looked down at her gown. It truly was beautiful. It was strapless with embroided shimmery leaf patterns in silver, that stretched across the top. The bottom flowed down in heavy layers, ending with a trail at the back. The white shone against her tan skin, showcasing her beautiful physique and beautiful face. The natural yet beautifully crafted makeup highlighted her eyes and face structure, making her look much more mature than her 18 year old self. Taking a deep breath, Taylor locked arms with her father, and nodded once, before standing in front of the doors to the church.

“Let’s do this,” she whispered.


(Leo’s POV)

        Leo nervously tugged at the hem of his suit, as he awaited his beautiful mate. How he got with someone so kind and beautiful was beyond him, and with them expecting a child in 8 months, he was as proud as he could get.

        The doors to the hall opened, awakening the silence that fell upon them. Leo’s eyes narrowed onto his mate, who looked incredibly breathtaking. And that’s exactly what happened. Leo’s breath was blown away as he saw his mate, dressed in a beautiful gown, clutching a bouquet in one hand, and linked to her father in the other. She walked down the aisle, eyes trained on him, while his were on her, and all he could think was how lucky he was. A smile formed on his lips as she was passed from her father to him. Standing by his side, he looked down at her lovingly, hoping his eyes could express how happy he was of this moment.

        “You look beautiful,” he whispered in her ear, loving how she shivered at his breath.

        “Thank you,” she smiled back.

        The priest continued with their vows, while all Leo could think of was finally being able to be attached to the woman beside him, in front of everyone to see.

“Do you, Leo Knight, take thee, Taylor Daniels, to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death you do part?”

 “I do,” Leo replied, smiling down at Taylor.

“Do you, Taylor Daniels, take thee, Leo Knight, to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death you do part?”

  “I do,” her melodious voice rang out, alighting every cell in Leo’s body with happiness.

  “Then I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride,” the priest nodded at them.

        Leo turned towards Taylor, lifting the veil and giving her a mindblowing kiss. For a minute, everything was forgotten, until the sounds of cheering woke them up from their kiss. Leo noticed Taylor’s reddened cheeks and kissed it lovingly. This moment was too perfect, and now, his mate was finally his.

(Taylor’s POV)

Taylor blushed as they broke apart from their kiss again, allowing laughter and cheer to float in the room.

“So, Mrs. Knight, how are you liking being married?” Leo chuckled, as he twirled her around the dancefloor. After the speeches, the customary groom and bride dance was supposed to be danced, and here they were floating around the room, while everyone watched.

“I really like it. Plus, my husband isn’t half bad,” she joked back, burying her face in his chest. Leo’s laughter rumbled through his chest, causing Taylor to giggle as well.

“Well, I’m just glad that you’re both mine finally,” he whispered in her ear, brushing his arm across her stomach. Even though only a month passed since they found out Taylor was pregnant, Leo still was as proud as ever, for having a beautiful mate, and sharing a beautiful child with her.

Taylor couldn’t help the tears that pooled in her eyes at the fatherly gesture. It made her feel happy, and proud that she was the wife of this kind, caring, not to mention sexy, husband.

“Hey, I heard that,” Leo mumbled against her cheek.

“Stop reading my mind,” she playfully slapped his chest, causing him to laugh again.

He stopped laughing as they both looked into each other’s eyes, captivated by the love filled in both of them.

“I love you, Mrs. Leo Knight” Leo whispered.

“I love you too, Mr. Leo Knight,” she whispered back.

And they sealed their love, with once last kiss.

                                            ~*~ Finally, The End ~*~


Don't be shy, comment what you liked and didn't like? Tell me your thoughts! They're greatly appreciated! (:

By the way, the powers that Leo and Taylor have weren't really discussed much in this book, but they play a very important role in the sequel. That's because their kids also have those powers, and it will affect their mates as well in a completely different way (that's all I can say for now, but I hope it makes sense...?).

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU (X1,000,000,000) for reading, commenting, voting, adding this story to your libraries, etc! IT MEANS THE WORLD, THE GALAXY, THE UNIVERSE TO MEEEEEEE! <3333


Bye for now!

-soccerluv4 <3333333333

 P.S If you liked this book, please check out my other stories called: My Rejected Heart, which is a werewolf story of rejection; Forgetting My Past, a boss/intern romance with a twist; Letters to a Nobody, a secret advice writer gains an enemy among her fans, and he's planning to find out who is behind the mask; and finally, Cliches Uncovered, which is just my own funny little book explaining why people write cliche's and which ones are the most used. PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT! Thank you guys(:

*****Remember to comment, vote, and fan (I will fan you back if you truly deserve it! I pinky promise! You guys deserve some thanks if you fanned, commented, and added my stories to your libraries, so I will return the favor)******

It's the first chapter of the book! Tell me what you think??????(:


Arranged Marriage to my Mate [Completed but Editing]Where stories live. Discover now