October 14, 2016

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I'm so glad we figured out and stopped who was blackmailing me, even though it was hard to find who it was. Honestly, I'm still not fully over it and I'm taking this a little hard, especially because Hayden betrayed me like that. I'm really glad Cole wasn't part of it though, that was my worst fear, but even so, my other friends were. This will definitely take time to go through, and the media isn't making this easy for me either. That's the main problem, I'm scared of happy. Everytime things go back to normal it all comes crashing down again. I hope stuff can finally be peaceful for now, but who knows, this job wasn't meant for softies, and I knew what I got myself into. I just need to keep my heart in it and not think about the haters or the negativity in my life, if I keep my head up I can be more successfull. At the moment my pride is all I got, hopefully the internet will have a little bit of mercy for me, though I will still have all the scar tissue from this mess. It's comforting to know Cole is there for me, I feel like I don't know who to trust anymore. I'm afraid, anxious, and excited to see where this journey takes me.

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