||06-"I have alien goo in places, that it shouldn't be."||

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Chapter Song: Survivor- 2WEI

Thor, Steve and I slash through hordes of beasts coming on all sides.

"New haircut?" Steve asks the god of thunder.

"Notice you've copied my beard." Thor teased.

Are they really chit-chatting right now!? We're facing an apocalypse!

"By the way, this is a friend of mine, Tree." Thor introduces.

"I 'am Groot." It says. While skrewed monster hanging from a tree branch.

The solider turns to the tree." I' am Steve Rogers."

"And I'm tired. Move your ass!" I shouted.

The trees began to move like a wave until mounds of earth began to rise. Four chainsaw blades tumble through the earth destroying everything in its path.

"Fall back, fall back now." T'Challa shouts. Everyone runs out its path.

Suddenly the blades come to halt and began to lift into air by surge of red energy.

Wanda slams the machine down back into the dirt destroying the hordes approaching her on both sides.

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here." Sam spoke.

"Somebody get to Vision." Steve.

"I'm on my way-"Wanda said but came to an abrupt halt.

I look behind me and see Wanda tumble into a ditch.

I quickly run to her.

The long blue haired alien stands over Wanda." He will die alone as will you."

"She not alone." I spoke. She looks up at me in anger then turns her gaze to Okoye behind her ready to attack.

She lets out a screeching battle cry as she attacks me with her sword, I each deflect her attack Okoye soon joins in.

"Guys someone needs to get to Vision now!" Bruce.

"I'm a little busy at the moment!" I exclaimed. I kick from under her feet, but she quickly rises back up. One of the blades comes tumble towards we take cover to allow the enemy to deliver a powerful sending into the ground. She stands over with her knife, but I block her attack with my spear.

Then a surge of red energy lifts her from the ground into one of the incoming blades.

I sit up covered in alien blood." I have alien goo in places where alien goo shouldn't be."

-Sorry for the short chapter and the long hiatus but I've been super busy the last few months but I'm writing again and doing some major editing which I think you guys will enjoy

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