||04-"and get this man a shield.||

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Chapter Song-Unholy War-Jacob Banks

I make my way over to Steve. I place my head on he's shoulder.

"So, do you think that the Prince will help us?" I ask.

"He has in past I don't think he'll change he's mind now." Steve replied.

I let out a deep exhale. "Do you think Sawyer is gonna be happy to see us?"

"Of course, she will." He assured me.

"I don't know, if my parents left me to go play hero, I'd be pretty mad." I said.

He wraps he's arms around me and I place my head on he's chest listening to he's steady heartbeat.

"It'll be okay." He assures me. I hope he's right.

We pull away from our comforting embrace and made he's way over to Sam in the pilot seat.

"Drop to 2600, heading 030." He instructs him.

"I hope you're right about this or we're gonna land a lot faster then you want to." He said he pulls a lever gaining more speed. A ripple of blur light appears as we pass through the invisible barrier into Wakanda.

Bruce stares out the window in shock and amazement over the sun shining over the tall glass structures

"Welcome to Wakanda Brucie." I grinned.

He mouth ajar he simply nods he's head.

We land the jet in front of T'Challa palace doors. We wait momentarily while the large door descended.

We stride down the platform. Below T'Challa and he's guards await.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something." The two men shake hands.

Bruce clears he's throat and begins to kneel.

"What are you doing?" Rhodey questioned.

"Uh we don't do that here." T'Challa told the scientist. I fight the compulsion to laugh. I don't know if I'm a bad person but laughing at one's humiliation is just so entertaining.

"So how big of an assault are we expecting?" the young king asks.

"Uh sir, I think you should expect a big assault." Bruce says while he pushes, he's way to the front of the group.

"So how are we looking?" Nat spoke.

"You have my kingsgaurd, the border tribe, the dora milaje, and him." He points to Bucky.

"And a semi-stable 100-year old man." Bucky jokes.

"You're looking good for hundred. What moisturizer are you using?" I joked back.

Bucky simply chuckles whilst shaking he's head before the two war vets share a hug.

"How you been Buck?" Steve asks

"Uh, not bad for the end of the world." He replied.

"and I think someone else is gonna be happy to see you." He said pointing behind him.

I see a group of guard lineup guarding a little girl with bundle curls

"Mom! Dad! " she screams has she runs towards us.

My heart rate quickened, and the water works began.

I run towards her and we meet in the middle until we're she was wrapped in my arms. Steve soon catches up and joins in.

"I miss you so much spud." I cried.

"I miss you too." She said.

I pull away and observe her she got taller he hair now in bountiful curls.

"My baby girl." Steve said with a slight tremble in he's voice. He's thumb traces across he's daughter cheeks.

"Dad I'm not a baby anymore." She whines.

"You'll always be my baby girl no matter what." He says and place soft kiss her head.

I took my daughter by the hand and guided her over to the others.

"Auntie Natty." She squeals before leaping into her godmother's arms.

"How's my little warrior." She asks.

"I'm good I've been helping Uncle Bucky and Mister T'Challa and Okoye has been training me." she rambles. The smile on her face warms my heart maybe she fine without us after all.

"Hey, spud I want you to meet someone." I take her hand guiding her over to Bruce cloaking himself from everyone.

"Hey Sawyer, I want you to meet Bruce." I introduced.

"Wait you had a kid?" he says in awe.

I nod.

"Nice to meet you Sawyer." He said.

"Mom told me about you you're the Hulk. You're an Avenger too!" She squealed.

"Yeah I 'am sometimes." He said shyly.


We gather in T'Challa's sister Shuri's lab. Vision lays on an observation table. Shuri using the beads around her wrist scanning Vision head to toe.

"Whoa." Bruce says in bewilderment.

"The structure is polymorphic." She said.

"Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." He explains.

"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" She questioned with a prideful grin on her lips.

"Because we didn't think of it." Bruce stammered.

"I'm sure you did your best." She grins.

"Can you do it?" Wanda asks.

"Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures." She explains to Wanda

She turns to her brother." It will take time brother."

"How long?" Steve asks.

"As long as you can give me." She replied.

An alarm beep erupts Okoye projects a holographic image of the earth.

"Something entered the atmosphere." She said.

"Hey Cap, we got a situation here." Sam spoke.

The ground trembles and I hear a muffle tremendous booming notice.

"We got more incoming inside the dome." Rhodey.

We look outside seeing numerous ships crash into the earth and enormous mounds of earth explode slamming against the doom causing a ripple of blue light. Sawyer cuddles closer into her father's side.

"It's too late. We need to destroy the stone now." Vision grunts while he struggles to stand.

"Vision get your ass back on the table." I commanded. He listens.

"We'll hold them off." T'Challa told Steve.

"Wanda, as soon as that stones out of, he's head. You blow it to hell." He instructs.

Wanda gives a stiff nod. "I will."

"Evacuate the city, engage all defenses, and get this man a shield." T'Challa orders.

Steve nods.

"T'Challa take Sawyer somewhere safe." I told the young king.

He replies with a simple nod.

"No mom, dad I don't want you too go." She cries.

"Hey, don't worry about your father and I, I want you to be the brave little girl you are." I assured her before pulling her into an emotional hug.

"We love you baby girl. Now go." He said before kissing her forehead.

The guard whisk away my child.

I catch up to T'Challa. "You got one of those spears lying around."

He order one the guards to hand me he's weapon. I twirl the well-balanced vibranium weapon in my hands." This will do nicely."

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