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no one muttered a word. the crying child, having just been born, caused the entirety of the room to momentarily go deaf. the screams only escalated as they all circled the child with eyes full of despondency and bewilderment as to why he was crying to begin with. all he needed was his mama.

the little crying boy's mother laid atop her bed lifeless, eyes spilling over with unshed tears as she blankly stared at the crumbling ceiling. it wasn't uncommon for the goddesses to pass once giving birth, but each time, the world they lived in only seemed to get heavier and moreso a dungeon than a paradise.

shaking their heads, each god and goddess occupying the room sent a quick look of judgement towards the little one, knowing full well where he would have to be sent to.

athena, the goddess of wisdom, was the only brave soul who dared to grasp the crying boy and gently coo in a soft tune, being the only one to look into the baby's eyes and see not evil, but despair. her gentle voice lulled the boy into a peaceful sleep, to which he'd remain in until she could deliver him to the only place he would someday call home.


she knew hades was an old bundle of anger and resentment, and gifting him this newly born child would surely help ease up the tension between the olympians and the aforementioned himself. is, of course, what she had originally planned.

and that's exactly what she did. but before she bid farewell, she gently pressed the pad of her honey toned thumb in the center of the little one's forehead, causing him to stir in his once undisturbed sleep.

"i gift you, little jungkook, the name of one whom you will not only grow to love, but cherish and confide in for all your hopes and dreams. let your heart guide you, and live peacefully, my dearest-"

and then she was gone, and the boy grew up with jimin carved between his brows, to which he'd soon enough grow to hate.

each letter perfectly shaped together, every black ink contrasting the boy's tanned skin. after years, he began hate the idea of falling into the trap that was love. it was a cursed thing, really.

why fall in love anyway?  it was all just a game in his head.

he became rude, and ignorant. the boy was conceited indeed, which made him many times more unlikable.

until a certain other little demi-god came around.

and his life managed to change for the better.


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