Chapter 9

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As you got out of the car all the boys ran towards you. Once they all realized how much you were bleeding they slowly backed away.

"Wow, you guys really can't take my virgin blood?"

"No! I would bite you right now if it wasn't for what you just did." Jungkook says in annoyance.

"Ok calm down remember she is helping not hurting." Taehyung says

"Let's get you inside and cleaned up." Jin says and grabs your hand. You sit down at the table and pull the napkin away only for more blood to rush out of your nose.

"Woah Jesus Christ." Jin shouts before clamping your nose shut with his hand, blood now covering it.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know it would still be bleeding." You say looking around at the boys.

"It's fine." Jin says handing you a tissue and leaning your head back. You see him lick his hand clean and all the boys start yelling as he groans out.

"What the fuck Jin we had a deal." Jimin yells

"I wasn't gonna let perfectly good virgin blood go to waste, you will get your turn soon." You look over at all the boys who looked either angry or upset and laugh a little.

"Y'all can have some if you really want." Their eyes light up like a Christmas tree and they run over, knocking down chairs in the process.

"I was just kidding." You mumble and start to realize they don't have a good sense of humor. They all started to walk away in sadness and Jimin scoffs

"You guys are pathetic, going after the girl who helped us." You feel your face get hot and you look over at Namjoon who sat on the chair next to you. His eyes scanned your nose.

"Maybe we should take you to the hospital?"

"No the cops will be looking for us now that my dad knows I'm with you so I think we should just stay home, Actually I think I might go to sleep all this blood loss is making me a little drowsy." If you were being completely honest you weren't tired at all you just needed to get away from these blood crazed boys. You slowly walk up the steps and into your room, shutting and locking the door behind you. You flop down onto your bed and take a deep breath and you hear a knock on your door.

"Y/N can I come in?" It was Jimin. You get up and unlock the door opening it a little before climbing back into bed.

"Hey so listen I saw you get a little-flustered downstairs when all the boys ran towards you and I'm sorry they did that. Usually, they can keep it together but today was stressful for us, You wouldn't understand because you aren't a vampire you don't get the urges we get but I hope you can just hear me out. He says looking down at you. You lean up a little and pull Jimin into a hug. You were a little upset with what had happened downstairs but you knew a hug would help.

"Could you sleep in here with me?" You mumble as your slide under the covers.

"Sure." Jimin whispers and snuggles up next to you. You started to think about what he said 'you wouldn't understand because you aren't a vampire you don't get the urges we get' It really stuck with you because Jimin was right, You weren't a vampire and you didn't get urges. Maybe if you become one you would understand them and be able to help a lot more.

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