The boy of touch, The girl of fear

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People talk. They talk drama, jealousy, money, and bribes. Someone told if I just kept my head on straight I'd be just fine. Well look at me now, I'm in a hospital dealing with a disease devoid of human touch. Outside my door I hear nurses talk, only they talk about sadness. 'Oh it's so sad she can never leave', 'oh I wonder how her parents feel', 'she'll never know what human contact feels like". I deal with an order givin to me by none other than my Mothers boyfriend and uncle. They had raped me in my sleep, when I woke up not only had I been penetrated but they had givin me a female circumcision. (Female circumcision- where some or all of the outer vagina has been cut away leaving some or none of the clitoris or lip.) I had contracted the mental disability of PTSD, when ever I'd come into human contact I'd would feel all of the pain from that night all at once. I understood why they felt sorry for me but I didn't because of my disease, I didn't need to talk about it, or even leave my room. The nurses began talking again though. Apparently a new boy was being transfer over from a mental institution, and we would be sharing a room.
     They delivered him after a couple of hours, his hair was Hazel and his eyes were a deep set of Blue, I could look but I would never be able to touch and man did I ever. He was ripped by the looks of him. They set him up and put a cloth barrier between us. I sat reading while they complained about everything, then they left the boy hadn't realized I was next door because he began to play his music and honestly? It was nice. It was a mellow song. I heard a rustle, and then the cloth was pushed away, the new guy is now sitting on my bed and holding my hand, I was waiting for the inevitable pain but, it never showed up the guy hadn't made me feel pain.
"Your the first girl, I've met who hasn't made me scared." He exclaims this in a husky voice.
"You the first guy, that's touched me and I haven't felt pain." I tell him my eyes wide with wonder and curiosity.
Some one once told me to look on the brighter things of life and now? Hell yeah I was!

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