papa?!?!?! • 2

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[ third pov ]
The child in front of Mark smiled widely and hugged Mark tightly. "Yay!!! When do you think we'll find a papa?" Jeongin asked as he sat on his father's lap. Mark looked at Jeongin and shook his head " i don't really know Innie"

"Hopefully soon!!" The younger exclaimed as he hopped off of his lap and towards the living room. "Jeongin are you done with your pancakes?" Mark asked from inside the kitchen. "Yes daddy! I'm done" Jeongin yelled back as he sat on the couch, watching Pororo. Mark chuckled and looked at the clock, 9:49 AM.

Mark sat next to Jeongin with a smile as he was sleeping with his little teddy bear in his arms. "So cute~" Mark cooed as he turned the TV off, then there was a knock at the door.

Mark opened the door and there stood a familiar boy. "U-Um excuse me, i w-was wondering if c-could ask you a few questions?" The boy in front of his asked with his head hanging low, the boy Mark identified was Donghyuck, Mark's seat mate in most of his classes. Their seating was by last name so of course they sat next to each other. Mark cleared his throat and the younger looked up at him. "M-Mark?" He said with a shocked face.

Mark chuckled and spoke "hm, what is it?" "W-well, um were doing a project in our homeroom... we were supposed to work together but yeah, I'm doing it alone... well the project was to go to your next door neighbor and get close with them, explain their likes, dislikes... do they have family? And other things like that... and you, my supposed partner is my neighbor."

Mark just chuckled again. "Well, of course I'd say yes and come on in, it's kinda cold out there isn't it?" Mark questioned and pulled Donghyuck inside with him. Donghyuck entered and he immediately looked around, he saw something that seemed very odd to be in a high school student's house who lives alone... a little child.

"W-Who's that?" Donghyuck asked as he pointed at Jeongin. Mark panicked for a second and spoke up "that's my cousin's kid, she asked me to watch him for a little while" "is that why you barely come to school recently?" Donghyuck asked as he sat down on the couch, besides Mark and the little toddler.

"Y-Yup" Mark smiled and looked straight at Jeongin. Just as if on time, Jeongin's eyes fluttered up. "D-Daddy?" He asked as he slowly got up. Mark froze in his spot as Donghyuck stared at him. "W-what?" Donghyuck asked as he looked at the little toddler. "O-oh! Who's daddy's new friend?" Jeongin asked as he waved. "Hi!! My name is Jeongin, Lee Jeongin!! It's nice to meet you daddy's new friend" Jeongin said with a bright smile.

Donghyuck smiled back and spoke "hi! I'm Donghyuck" "But... Daddy? Is Mark your daddy?" Donghyuck question the little one. Jeongin nodded and smile "yup! I'm daddy mark's baby... hm... do you happen to be..." the younger paused. "What?" Donghyuck asked "are you Jeongin's papa?!?!" Jeongin jolted up as he jumped up and down.

Mark chocked on his own saliva and started to cough vigorously. "DON'T DIE DADDY!! THIS HAPPENED EARLIER!!" Donghyuck giggled at the two in front of him. When Mark was clear from dying, Donghyuck asked another question "are you actually his father?" "Yes I am.. let me explain."

"Jeongin-ssi, please go in our room and play on my phone" Mark said as he handed the toddler his phone. Jeongin smiled before waving at Donghyuck then walking towards their shared room. "So..." "well. My close friend left his child with me and I didn't really know what to do.... I don't know where he got Jeongin or why he left but all I know is it's my job to take care of him now..." Mark spoke as he cleaned up the pillows and blanket that was scattered across the living room.

"And you had to do it alone?" Donghyuck asked as he looked at the boy cleaning up before him. "yup.... it was reallly hard actually... I had no clue on how to stop him from crying or even make him a bottle of milk" Mark chuckled as he looked back at himself in the past. "But as time went by, I made friends who either babysitted when the were younger or had a younger sibling that had to take care of sometimes. I took note and got the hang of taking care of Jeongin.... but since he's older, he really doesn't like other people besides me and my friends, and now you I guess" Mark sat down besides Donghyuck. "wait, so.... what your telling me is that he got used to me even though he didn't know me? I thought you said he doesn't like to be with people he doesn't know?" Donghyuck asked. "Well, he really wants a papa and I guess he thought if he was nice to you, you'd kindly agree to being his second father" Mark tried to put two and two together to make more sense over the whole situation.

"Well, Anyways. I actually give props to you hah. You kept him safe and now he's two years old and I can tell that he'll be an amazing person when he grows up. Just with the way he smiled and waved at me a while ago, he'll definitely be one of the popular and smart ones" Donghyuck giggles at his own statement. Mark chuckled along with the boy and thanked him softly. "well, um... so you're going to put that your neighbor has to take care of a child at home... and that's why he doesn't go to school?" Mark asked as he looked into Donghyuck's eyes.

"Yeah, there's nothing in the school book that says a student of the school were attending can't have a child... they were too dumb to forget to put that. So they should allow it" Donghyuck shrugged and smiled at Mark. Mark sighed and nodded, it was true no one in their school would dare to do what Mark was doing... mainly because they felt they'd get kicked out and they wouldn't want that. "I'll put that you're my neighbor and that due your friend leaving their child behind... is the reason why you don't really come to school, I'm pretty sure Mrs. Lee will understand" Donghyuck reassured the boy. "How could you be sure?"

"Mrs. Lee is my mother"
Sorry for any mistakes and for the long wait...
[📆] 161218
[] 7:44 AM

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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