every story has its own beginning right? • 1

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[ third pov ]
There Mark was standing, dumbfounded. He was holding a crying baby in his arms with his phone against his ear, trying his best to not lose is shit. "what the fuck hyung!!! why did you leave Jeongin here?!? Where did you go, Where did Jaehyun hyung go?!?" He yelled into the phone when he finally answered. "Mark... I... im sorry please take care of Jeongin... w-we can't so please... and please... please don't contact me again..." Taeyong hung up.

Mark fell to his knees as he threw his phone onto his couch. He was only 16 and he had to take care of a newborn baby by himself??? It'd be good to have his parents but... eh let's not go there right now. Mark's thoughts stopped running through his head when Jeongin's crying became louder. "Shhh it's okay Jeongin~~ I'll be your new daddy, don't worry"


[ 3 years later ]
"daddyyyyy~~~ I'm hungry~~~" Jeongin whined as he hopped onto Mark's bed. The older's (older's autocorrected to loser's 😂 I'm wheezing) eyes fluttered opened as he looked down at his 'son', "ahhh you're awake Innie?" Mark spoke softly and picked him up from the floor. Jeongin nodded and snuggled into Mark's chest. "Are we gonna see uncle Nana today??" Jeongin asked excitedly. Mark just nodded "hopefully he can come, he's been hanging out with uncle Nono a lot recently so hopefully he can make time for you Innie" Mark answered his excited son.

Mark got up and placed Jeongin onto the bed gently. "I'll go get breakfast ready after I wash up okay? For now can you be good and watch tv in the living room?" Mark asked the little one sitting in front of him. Jeongin immediately got up from his siting spot and nodded "will do daddy!" He said with an enthusiastic voice before hopping down from his bed and towards the living room.

Mark chuckled and walked to the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom. He did his morning routine before walking towards the living room, where Jeongin would be siting. " Inniee~~ are you ready for breakfast? I'll start now" Mark said as he smiled brightly. Jeongin nodded at his dad and stood up "can I play with daddy's phone while I wait?" The younger asked. "Sure, it's on the desk in my room, be careful please and don't run" Mark said before he saw the younger storm towards his room. Mark chuckled before he headed towards the kitchen.


[ later ]
Mark smiled as his child was dancing while he ate his pancakes, happy that he got to eat what he wanted. "Mmm! Daddy this is awmazing!!!" Jeongin said and sat on top of Mark's lap. "Heh thanks innie~" He cooed before he kissed his forehead. "Hm daddy?" The younger called out. "Yes Innie? What is it?" Mark answered as he ate some pancakes as well.

"When will I get to have a papa?" He asked as he looked up at Mark who was chocking on his pancake. "DADDY DON'T DIE!!!" Jeongin screamed as he hit Mark's back with all his might. Mark kept coughing before he grabbed his water bottle which was beside him and drank some. "Daddy are you okay?!?!???" Jeongin asked as he looked at Mark with shaking eyes.

"Yes Innie, I'm fine" Mark said with a couple coughs following. "B-but a papa? Don't you want a mama?" Mark asked as he thought about why he'd want another dad and not a mom. "Well, I don't want a mommy.... I want a papa that can help with Innie and wove daddy as much as I do..." the younger explained as he poked Mark's cheeks. The older smiled and spoke softly "okay... hopefully there'll be a person waiting to be a papa..." Mark said with a slight smile.

I'm so sorry if there are any grammar errors!!!

[] 5:43 PM
[📆] 11•06•18

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