How you guys meet pt 1 cashew ❤

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Before I start I just want to say I'm a Matt/Nash girl so my name is mostly in the Nash prefs. srry :(


Nash- my/your pov -it was a boring day and I was planning on going to the mall but my friends cancelled on me. Yep what great friends. I grabbed my orange and blue penny board and my vans to go along with my ripped skinny jeans , black tank top , and black sweatshirt. I was out . On my way to Starbucks. And no I'm not a white girl . I'm mixed plot twist. -Skips ride- I ordered my vanilla frapp and waited . "Jess" they called . I walked up and grabbed my frapp. I took a sip and ... "Ewww. This isn't my vanilla ! " I squealed. "Oh this isn't my cotton candy" a boy with a blonde streak in his hair said. I couldn't help but notice that he was attractive. Dang. "Well you are too." He said . Oops I said that out loud. "Oh haha I'm sorry this must be your cotton candy ." I said to him. " yeah , this is your vanilla, your name is Jess right ?" . He asked "yeah and yours is.... " I looked at the cup. "Nash right?" . "Yes. Umm do you maybe want to go out some time?" He asked me. "Yes I'd love to , you seem really nice." I said back. And that was the start of a beautiful relationship. That escalated quickly.

Matthew- your pov - OH MY GOD IM SITTING FRONT ROW AT MAGCON!!!! I can't wait to see my idol on stage . He is like lifee!!! . I see them all walk on stage and holy cow matt is the definition of perfect ! They do the lip gloss dance , then the game of truth and some other funny stuff . In the end I walk up to get my picture and leave . But before I go a hand rests on my shoulder to stop me. "Hey, my. Name , is , matt." He said attempting to catch his breath. OH MY GOD MY IDOL JUST TOUCHED MY SHOULDER IM NOT WASHING FOR A LONG TIME ! I thought to myself . " uh , um hi !! My name is y/n " I managed to say . He stood up. "You can't leave with out a hug first and without giving me your number." " oh haha . Here." I gave him a hug and my number then he kissed my cheek . "Text ya tonight bae" he said BEST DAY EVER !!!!!!

Cameron-your pov- Woop woop I'm going shopping today !! Finally in like a million years!! Just kidding I only went yesterday but there were so many cute tops. You thought I was gonna say guys huh? Nope. I hear the car honk . "Hey !!! Y/n hurry up we gotta go get those beanies before they sell out !" My best friend y/bf/n yelled . - skips car ride.- me and y/bf/n went to Claire's for the swag and "I woke up like dis" beanies. I grabbed a beanie turned around and . Oof. Hit a wall? "Ouch! " I groaned in pain . "Oh my god are you okay?" He asked concerned. " I don't think so." I said back. He reached out for my hand but when he pulled , it hurt again . "Oww!!" I yelled again. " I must have sprained my wrist when I fell. Yikes . He picked me up bridal style and paid for my beanies. " oh you didn't have to ! My friend could have." I said . " hey don't worry it's the least I can do since I hurt you ." He said looking down. " hey it's alright it was an accident! Don't blame yourself I wasn't watching !" I told him. "Here give me your hand" he said. He wrapped it than kissed it afterwards. " I'm so sorry I'll make it up to you soon" he said "it's okay and paying for the beanies was enough." I said back "no , in taking you out tomorrow just you , in that cute beanie , and me . Sitting in here and watching movies date?" "Umm, yes . Date " I agreed . I really am so happy that I met him.

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