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⚠ warning: mentioned  of rape


Yoongi. Pov

I was upstairs doing my homework, my "dad" Was downstairs watching TV after a long day of work, he was watching the news channel, probably checking the weather, winter was coming.

"Yoongs come say hello to our visitor!!" I heard him shout out my name, I put my pencil down, and made my way downstairs already having an idea who it might be,

And I was right.

It's, end of Yoongi's Pov.

"Yoongs you remember sungjun Hyung?" Namjoon asked, and he could see Yoongi's almost immediate, discomfort,

But to tired to hang on it, he tried asking Yoongi about it before, but he would just say, 'it's nothing'.

"Yeah, hey" Yoongi said avoiding eye contact,

But Namjoon see him be uncomfortable,  only around Sungjun he just guessed its because the man sometimes may look intimidating.

"Hi kid, can you show me the bathroom? I'm old I forgot were things are" Sungjun asked, "are you telling me you just visited to use the bathroom?" Namjoon asked showing of his dimples smile.

Yoongi reaches the bathroom with Sungjun, he already knew what might happen, its been happening for a whole year now.

"You've been such a good boy not telling your father, I think  I'll  even consider  prepping you," Sungjun said with a sickening dark smile, he pulled Yoongi in the bathroom and locked the door, he closed the light, only the faint sunlight from the window could help them see each other.

"Sungjun d-don't it-" Yoongi was interrupted by the man pushing him  against the bathroom counter.

Sungjun pulled down Yoongi's basketball shorts, "You really need to learn how to be more respectful to your elders" Sungjun said darkly. Sungjun pulled down his own pants, and used his pre-cum as lub3, "Wait- but you said" Yoongi said with  tears flowing  down his cheeks, "I lied " Sungjun  said  right  before he pound into the poor boy, to stop his screams he Covered his mouth.

"Oh Sungjun were is  Yoongi?" Namjoon asked, "Oh he, right after I went out of the bathroom, he said he was going to  take a shower" Sungjun  responds with a smile.

"By the way what took you so long, you didn't eat weeks old milk pudding  did you?" Namjoon  joked around  chuckling.

"Well I umm, not exactly" Sungjun  chuckled,  "do you want to  stay for dinner?" Namjoon asked with  hopeful eye's, "not today Joon I gotta finish my work for the company, I'm not like you  that gets  work done so fast and easy" Sungjun  said before walking out of the house.

"Hm, I guess.....he really  did come here just to use the bathroom" Namjoon  says to himself, with his index finger on his chin.  "Ahh~ that old man is really  something" Namjoon  brushed off.

Yoongi was in the shower letting warm water hit his body, trying to find peace and relax, he had  no expression  on his face, he was just looking at the bathroom floor tiles with, and feeling  disgusted in the pit of his stomach.

He hates himself for not being  strong enough to fight back, and he hates himself for somtimes thinking he enjoyed it, "I'm  so tired" Yoongi  whispered  to himself  then sighed.

A/n: so here was chapter one, it was sad I know but the book itself is not gonna all sad.
But don't take me the wrong way, I Do NOT support rape, it's just a story and it this does happen in real life to people, so please I'm not asking y'all to take this book really serious, but just don't make fun of the situation, and tell me your thoughts on the book.

Who ever read that up there, good for you but who ever didn't,or did vote and comment 💖

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