Chapter 7: I'm Not Weak

Start from the beginning

"No reason" he said quietly.

Okay then?
I pat his head which made him glare at me. He eventually stopped with the poking but...
He got up from his seat then put his chin on top of my head.
I looked up, raising an eyebrow by the odd behavior coming from him.

Even Denki was surprised... Judging by the look on his face.

"I'm fucking bored" he groaned.

"Well. We can go to that club then," Jirou shrugged.

With that, we finished our meals then headed off to the club.


When the four of them entered the club, Izuku was quickly getting uncomfortable.
All eyes were set on them, especially her.

With her adorable, freckled face, and her nice body, everyone couldn't help but gawk at her.

She clung onto her date's arm for dear life.

"You'll get use to it" Bakugo muttered as he looked around the room.
"There's an empty seat over there" he pointed to the corner of the room where a shiny red booth that had some trash on it was.


Izuku would follow Bakugo and his friend's over to the corner while trying to avoid touching or interacting with other people.

The electronic music boomed as a massive group of people were dancing on the bright, rainbow dance floor.

Deku would sit down in the booth then quickly pulled out her phone before snapping another picture.
She wanted to remember tonight...

"Anyone want drinks?" Jirou asked.

Izuku shook her head but Bakugo said he'll have a small drink.
"Just don't get drunk" Deku warned her date.
"Pfft. I won't..."

Less than an hour passed by, Bakugo was giggling in his seat.
His aggressive attitude quickly changed into a more soft, lovey-dovey way.
Deku groaned as Katsuki wrapped his arms around her waist, slurring out, "I love youuu~"

Even Denki and Jirou were a bit tipsy.

'Why did I agree to this, again?' she regretfully thought to herself.

As more time passed, Jirou dragged little Izuku to the dancefloor.
When they got there, Jirou started dancing to the beat while Izuku stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do...

"Come on, new girl! Dance!" Jirou encouraged as she swayed her hips to the side before moving away from her.
Jirou moved into the heart of the crowd, leaving Deku by herself.
Once the song that was on ended, one of Izuku's favorite songs came on- she couldn't help but dance.
She sung the lyrics as she moved her hips side to side, taking on the dance floor.

Her hair bounced around with her movements- she didn't care if she looked like an idiot- she was having fun.
The drunken Bakugo watched her every move, while being quite surprised but entertained at the same time.

"Yeah! Show them who's boss!" Denki cheered as he saw Deku dancing.

It was weird for her.
The sudden feeling of courage to just dance around.
After awhile of dancing, the two girls returned back to their seats, feeling exhausted.

Soon enough, night fell.
The group left the club, Izuku being the only one that wasn't intoxicated because she knew better.

As they were walking, Izuku heard a loud gasp from behind.
She looked around to see some guy holding Jirou.
"Guys!" Deku yelled to the two boys.
They turned around, the mutual feeling of anger rang through them.
A few other men came out of nowhere, grabbing Izuku by her arms then pulled her down to the ground...

Bakugo and Denki tried to fight but were obviously too out of it to put up much of a fight compared to these guys.

The girl grew more agitated by the minute.
She maneuvered herself a bit then kicked the dude that was holding her down in the dick before running away from him.

"Fuck!" The guy groaned as he rested his head on the sidewalk.

Deku put her fists up, "Let her go." She demanded coldly. Her arms and legs were shaking; scared that things could escalate further.

"Or you'll do what, little lady?"

And with that, Deku speeded towards the man then leaped in the air before kicking the guys head back, pushing him off of her new friend.
Jirou thanked her then pulled something out of her pocket; a portable speaker and earbuds.

"Cover your ears, it's gonna get loud," the girl warned before pressing a button on the speaker.
Izuku quickly covered her ears as a sound that was beyond any words blasted out from the speaker.
Everyone around yelled in pain as they went down onto their knees, trying to block out the noise.

Izuku used this as an advantage to make sure these guys wouldn't get up again.
She risked the ear piercing noise then ran up to the men before temporarily paralyzing them by hitting the nerves in their neck.

She huffed as the noise stopped.
Adrenaline was rushing through  her veins.

She looked back at Bakugo and Denki who were staring at her in astonishment.

"Hot damn..." Bakugo whispered.

I'm not proud of this chapter... I tried but eh.

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