"This is my dad, Ethan, the owner of this hotel." She says.

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Tris." I say as I put my hand out and he shakes it.

"Likewise." He says.

"I'm Christina!" For some reason Christina's been acting like she's high on Amity bread. It's funny to see her this way. He shakes her hand too.

"Thank you for letting us stay in your hotel for now." I say. "It's a great looking place."

"Why it's no problem. We had a few extra rooms and we weren't getting much people to stay here lately cause it's really not the time of season for it." Being up close to Ethan, I see that he would be handsome if he'd take off the glasses. He doesn't look too old either. I can imagin Ethan staying with Jennine. There's already some obvious differences I can point out.

"Jessica here told me the whole story on how you got here and some things about you guys." He says smiling. "I couldn't help but to let you stary here. In fact, you can stay as long as you like."

I feel a hand touch my sholder and I turn my head around to find Tobias.

"We appreciate the welcome to stay but really we came here to look for any kind of help we can get for our city as quickly as possible." I say.

"Well, I do have a friend of mine that works in the special forces unit. I would be willing to ask him upon request but I'm affraid that as of right now I can't do that."

"Wait," says Tobias, "What do you mean?"

"Now I've heard that Chicago is in trouble due to a new leader, but tensions in the past between states and Jennine have led us to belive that they wouldn't need our guidence to anything we were willing to help them with. But within me, I do believe that with the new leader in place, new rules have been enforced. Under that assumption I can call a meeting tonight with the special forces unit and see if we can do anything. Other than that, that's where we stand." Says Ethan.

"But what if-"

"Four," says Jessica, "really that's all we can do for now."

Tobias releases his hand from my shoulder. By the way he looks, he has a plan but won't spit it out.

"We can't let you come to the meeting though. I'm affraid that the head of the unit doesn't like surprise guests." Says Ethan. He gives a slight head gesture to Jessica and then back to all of us as he walks away and past the lobby corner till I can't see him anymore.

"I really want to hear that meeting head on and not from a secondary source." I say, looking at the floor. I wouldn't trust Ethan. He looks a little suspious and a little too aragant. For all I know he could be lying to us when he tells us what happeneds in the meeting.

"Listen, I have an idea." I look up at Jessica and so does Tobias and Christina.

"What?" Says Christina.

"I'm sure you guys would like to hear that meeting as soon as possible but I believe that I know how to sneek you into that meeting."

"Where exactly is the meeting taking place?" I ask.

"Not too far from here. Just a few blocks down." She starts talking in a low voice so no one but us can hear her.

"I'm only doing this because I do trust you all." I don't understand how she would trust us as if we only met her a few days ago. Is not like we aren't trustworthy but it's just weird.

"If you meet me outside the by the lobby at around ten tonight then we could walk to the place. Taking a car would be stupid considerng that it would make way to much noise. There's not too many people watching around at night so we don't need to be armed so if-" Tobias inturupts.

"We are going with guns no matter what." He sturnly says it.

"Uh, you guys have weapons?"

"Well duh!" Says Christina. "It's only right to have them on us. Never know what could happen."

"Well, um... then I guess you can bring your guns but I strongly recomend that you don't shoot unless you truly have to." She scowls at me with the thought of me handeling a gun. I suddenly feel uncomfortable standing here.

"From when we get to the half way point of getting there I will show you all where to go." We all nod. Jessica seems a little more trustworthy then what her dad looks like. I still don't like the way she acts when she's around Tobias though. She gets a little too comfortable.

"No one let my father know about this. If he finds out he could possibly drop the idea of helping you out."

"It's not for us." Says Tobias. "It's for the greater good of Chicago."

"Uh, sure then." Says Jessica quickly. "I'll meet you at the lobby enterence at ten." She nods and then walks away the same way her father left.

"Is it me or does anyone think that she's a little... off?" Says Christina.

"Its occured to me." I smile.

Tobias laughs along Christina and I.

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