Chapter 7

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I set her down right on my bed.

Well, I guess I will be sleeping on the ground tonight. I say aloud to myself as I grunt and sit on the floor with a pillow and 2 blankets.

What to do, what to do. After all of that, how could I possibly sleep with what just happened? I am so crazy. Meeting a random girl then finding her again tripping on acid or something. Maybe this was all a bad idea.

But it felt okay... Right even... She felt right.

My head turns so I could look at her. Look at her eyelids pressed gently over her glowing eyes moving within her sleep. I could only wish her dreams were good... Maybe even about me?

Ha, what am I thinking?... But maybe they are...

Her hair laid gently across her face covering half of her nose and her left cheek. The deep brown color seeming almost black in the darkness of my dimly lit room.

"You are so beautiful." I say knowing that I have so much to say to her. So much to ask, even though she is still asleep. 

Why not say what I have to? I mean she can't really hear me...

"I have never been that outgoing in my life. My life has been boring, so what is there to be outgoing about? But then I met you. Damn, I never even met you, yet I feel so... So much more alive. Just having these 2 days thinking about you has made me feel better." I say smiling and laughing at how crazy I sounded. "You are so... Different. I can just feel it. I feel some weird connection with you, and I don't know you... But I would really like to." I say while staring out my window. Out at the city lights glowing, reminding me of her eyes.

Her eyes that were now open and staring at me. Her lips perked in a grin.

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