Chapter 5

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(Back to Freddie's POV)

I walk down the cold streets of London at night. The slight breeze in the air brushing up against my cheeks and falling off by my ears. Not really passing many pedestrians since everyone was driving. But I don't really see the point of it... Driving I mean. You can't really enjoy the atmosphere. I mean I love being able to breath in the air and just... Observe I guess. I mean walking took quite a while but why not? Anyway, I didn't care about much right now. Just about finding Effy. Just to see her one more time, to see if I felt the same way. If she still looked at me the way she did at the coffee shop. And oh, I had so many questions. I needed to know how she knows me. Why she found me out of everyone else... 

Maybe she likes me?

Ha. No. It couldn't be. It just doesn't make sense right now, not much does. But that is why I need to find her.

Plus I want to look into her eyes again. 

I loved the way I felt when I looked at her. I just feel so uplifted. So... Extraordinary.

But I walked on... 

Alright. First club that I see I will go into I suppose. 

Fate will prove to me that it is meant to be, or it isn't. 

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