{Chapter 4- Face To Face}

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Boboiboy P.O.V

"Do you think he'll... After he woke... And... At me?"

"Nah, he's... Pacifist. He won't... That to anyone"

I woke up to the sounds what it's like two people's chattering. I couldn't tell much, but I could definitely say that it belongs to two different males. The deepness and how it hardly cracks says it all. However, I couldn't move. Not even a single movement from my fingers despite me already gained my full consciousness. What was left was that annoying sounds that blocked my ears from funtioning properly. But my brain had gained its full access to my body yet the muscles refused to work or even comprehend.

"Oh, I guess that you're awake then?"

With all that said, I finally had a good look at those two males I mentioned about. Funny of how they both looked EXACTLY like me yet the outfit is-

Hold up- What the fuck?

"Do not fret, we meant no harm. Things may look like the opposite, but we really meant not harm to you" One of them held his hands up, surrendering to almost nothing.

Wait- What the fuck again?

What does he mean by 'Things may look like the opposite?'

Well... I found out soon after...

I was with them, but nothing was with me. Everything was... Brightly, eyes hurting white. It felt like I'm in a bright void with them, yet it feels like I was trapped in the middle. But when I said 'trapped', I obviously, specifically mean that I am really trapped here. I was tied up. Wires, black and blue strings tied me up as my feet was above the ground.

"That explains why I couldn't move..." I thought to myself. I kept glaring at them as I examined them for bottom to top.

I must say... I'm a little impressed...

One of them was all white, almost colourless. Except for the black lines which represents their eyes, nose, mouth and such. They have a pair of sharp, black claws instead of normal hands; And instead of having a normal eyes, it was all black obsidian. Except for a sharp pupils he had which also made him looked like a monster. Perhaps, a demon... He's also floating in the air instead of having both of his legs touching the ground.

Not to mention he had some weird, not so straight, crazy lines goes from the bottom of his eyes untill the bottom of his cheek... But other than that, he looked EXACTLY like me. Except for the hair that is kinda the... Opposite of mine. All white hair with a single stripe of black. Yeesh.

While the other me, oh-ho ho... Don't get me started with him! He wore something undescribable and... I don't think THAT kind of outfit even exist in my universe. EVER. However, there's also some interesting features about him though that I might describe...

His eyes were exact like the other dude, except one of them is actually normal one like me. He wasn't colourless, but he seems empty though because of how dark his outfit is. He's also wearing a rather baggy arm sock and his cuts were shown, but not much... He had a single bandage on top of his nose and one on his cheek.

I just realized I kept looking at them that I didn't even bother to know where the heck am I...

"You can stop looking at us, Boboiboy. Even if you remembered our face, it'd be pointless because we're not even from here. You'd forgot about us once we're done" I looked at the single one black eyed dude, dumbfounded... Another dimension?

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