It's happening all over again...A voice whispered...her voice. "I am." A familiar voice spoke and she saw Helga a few feet away. Mernique smiled weakly at her and walked up to her..." Good you..." She felt a sharp prick in her head and nose. She touched her head than her nose and when she drew back...blood was on her fingers.

 She wiped the blood on pants and turned back to Helga. Her friends came closer to them, curious about the plan no doubt." Those drawings...I have seen them comes...from the Black generates a black cloud up at the sky...blocking out the sun and weakening anything that gets strength from all living things.

They become more powerful and dangerous...that strange humming in the is not aftermath of battle but...the preparation for the spell...chaos is the best feeder." She spoke and the more she said the more it felt like her brain is being bashed against a wall. 

Everyone especially Raymond looked alarmed at her but she kept her eyes on Helga. The humming was vibrating in her bones...making the pricking feeling worse. What was she saying? How did she know this?

She wasn't near the Black Book or learnt of its evil powers. "Cloak of Shadows. A powerful spell but not unbreakable... I need time to prepare it." She walked off into another direction. Mernique saw Charlotte gaping at her while the others looked concerned." I didn't know you knew so much about the Black Book and its powers." Charlotte muttered while Gabriel nodded his head in agreement. 

Ella and Derek were following Helga...probably to help her with the ingredients. "I didn't either." She whispered hugging herself. The voice returned making her shut her eyes but she spoke anyway..." Our top priority is helping the people...we'll deal with the rest later." Her voice sounded so distant and lost.

She walked a few feet away from them hoping they would do the same. Sure, enough they walked in different directions. Mernique stopped a few feet gathering herself again. What is wrong with her? She is acting completely weird and she is even freaking herself out. What did this battle trigger...didn't she remember everything now?

 She jerked when a warm hand was on her shoulder and she spun around. She first saw the ocean blue eyes before she fully understood it was Raymond. "Mernique...are you alright?" He asked and she knew he meant if she fell on her head and lost her mind.

She batted his hand away but he placed it back on her shoulder again," I'm fine. There are other people you should be more worried about." She snapped and she saw him narrowing his eyes at her. He reached his hand out probably to choke some sense in her but instead he lightly touched her nose and drew his fingers back. 

His cloves were dark so you could barely make out the blood on his fingers." Yes, totally fine." He scoffed and Mernique sighed." A little blood isn't going to kill me, Raymond. would attract them. The smell of my blood.

Not just, because I am rose and a Dragon Master but those things love to hunt something that is weak." Raymond's eyes widened at the last part but she blinked as if surprised by that knowledge. "Are you saying we should use you as bait?" He growled his features changed into something ferocious.

He was angry but at what. "Perhaps but I am saying they would be more focused on me which is a good thing." She shrugged like it was nothing. 

Raymond sighed," That doesn't comfort me." Mernique shrugged again and tried moving away but his hand was firm. "You should go back it's not safe here..." "It's not safe anywhere! Locking me up won't make the problem go away!" She interrupted him.

"It's my job to protect you..." Mernique growled her hands   balled into a fist," It is also my job! " Raymond blinked at that and she felt her cheeks flare at what she just said but it is true. 

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