Vampire part 1

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Your POV
Lloyd has been acting weird this past few weeks. He always drinks this red stuff, he doesn't go outside when it's light out and he is scared of white meat. O and when he smiles witch is not often his eye teeth are very big and pointy. It's actually kinda scary.
He kinda acts like a vampire but that's just me jumping to conclusions you know.
Time skip
Me and the rest of the ninja where just talking about school and stuff until Lloyd called me

"Hey y/n can I talk to you for a couple of minutes" Lloyd said

"I-uhhhh yea sure" I said Stuttering.

Did I mention I had a huge crush on well I do. I started to walk with Lloyd. Silence filling the air. After the small walk in the bounty Lloyd brought me to his bedroom.

"Umm so what did you want to talk to me about" I asked him

" well y/n I need to do something but you can't and i mean CAN'T tell anyone you got that" Lloyd said with a straight face

"*gulp* u-uhhh yea sure" I said

"Ok then don't freak out on me" Lloyd said

"Mmhmm" i hummed in response.
Lloyd got closer and closer to me
Pinning me to the wall. His head went straight for my neck. Then he bit it. His teeth going into my neck. But now I realize that my crush is actually a vampire. As I'm thinking blood starts to drizzle down my collar bone and I started to get dizzy. My eyes started to shut slowly in after a minute all I could see was darkness.

Lloyd's POV
I guess I took to much blood that I made y/n faint. I still have her pinned against the wall with my leg in between her legs I don't know what it is but I felt right to hold her like this. But since I bit her she can become a vampire as well and then we can have a vampire child and live in the forest and I can marry her and oh the wonders. I picked up y/n bridal style and put her on my bed. I carefully pulled the green covers over her body. I bent down to kiss her forehead then her neck where I bit her.

"Sweet dreams my beautiful bat" I said in a soft voice.

I went to the other side of the bed and fell asleep.

Time skip

Your POV
I slowly opened my eyes to sleep that I'm in a green bed. Now who the HELL HAS A GREEN BED AND WHY AM I IN IT. I moved my body forward so I'm sitting cross legged on the bed. I started to look around until i felt a sharp pain in my mouth. I quickly jump out of the bed and started heading for the door not looking at who was in front of it. I bumped into someone that made us both fall the person on top of me .I opened my eyes to see Lloyd on top of me.

"You ok" he asked with a smile that could light up the whole world.

"Y-yea you" i asked him.
I felt a small blush creep upon my cheeks. I looked down to see the position that we were in. Lloyd on top of me with one arm holding him up and the other behind my head securing it. Both his legs squeezing my hips in a sexual way. I guess Lloyd saw it to. Lloyd started to lean in close. And

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