Unpunny jokes(lol)

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A snake walked into the bar the bar tender said how did you do that!?!

(Lol its garbage like me)

Teacher: sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never
Me: throws dictionary

Friend: pet mah doggo
Me: does it bite?
Friend: no but he can hurt you in a different way
Dog: your family doesn't love you
Me: *crie*

Hand puns,may come in handy(see what i did there)
I have a alot of hand puns their quite handy but they can get out of hand
...... man i gotta hand it to myself

Have you ever had that feeling when you stepped on a lego and it hurts like a bitc-baby and you just wanna scream and cry but you're just over exaggerating but you dont care cuz it hurts too much

Thats all folks come back next time for dank memes and broken dreams

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