Chapter Thirteen

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Hey Loves!

It's been so super duper long. I've been reading all these fanfics on Wattpad and realised that I haven't updated my own in ages....

So, here you are!!

I think this is one of the cutest chapters!


"You can still hang out with them you know?" Jess says as we walk towards the bus stop. I'm surprised she's brought the topic up again but continue with it.

"No Jess, its fine. We're on holiday together; it's not fair for me to be hanging out with them so often. I answer.

She looks a little hesitant and says, "We can make a deal. Every time you hang out with them, I'll hang out with Jake. Deal?"

I contemplate this before saying, "Jess, just because you think Harry doesn't like you in that way doesn't mean you can't see him again, you know?"

"Kat, I know he doesn't like me like that and yes, it does mean that. It'll just be awkward for me, and I don't want that. Besides, I want to spend more time with Jake", she says excitedly.

Maybe I should tell her about me meeting up with them then? I mean, if she's alright with it and all, why not?

"Well, if you're okay with it then sure. You can hang out with Jake while I hang out with them?" I ask, hoping she hasn't changed her mind or anything.

"Okay! Done! So you wanna hang out with them today?" she exclaims, already unlocking her phone, no doubt to tell Jake.

So I guess I can tell her. They've been calling and texting but what if they don't want to speak to me? I've been avoiding talking to them and what if they took it the wrong way? What if they don't want to hang out? What if they never want to see me?

All these questions are running through my mind, and I guess its writtin all over my face too, because Jess shakes my shoulder gently, a look of worry on her face as she asks if m okay.

I'll only know that they don't want to talk to me if I actually call them, so im going to do that. Hoping for the best, I nod at Jess and tell her I have to make a call, not waiting for her reply beofre walking in the other direction towards a pay-phone.

I get into the red booth and look around in my wallet for sme change, because putting it through the slot, the phone tucked between my ear and my shoulder, so as I can dial the number in from my phone.

After listening anxiously to the phone ring 5 times, I hear, "Hello?"

"Uh, Zayn? Hey, its me, Kat. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to call you. I got all you're messages and calls and everything but I was always with Jess and even when I wasn't I felt too guilty to call you because I felt like I would be betraying her because we had a small argument and she didn't want to hang out with you guys and so I thought I shouldn't either but I realy want to and I fell bad but I couldn't call, even though I really want ed to and that's no excuse I'm so sorry I completely understand if you never want to see me again", I finish, so out of breath I feel a stich coming in on my side but I ignore it in attepts to hear his reply of my loud catching of breath.

The lines silent for a couple seconds before I hear chuckling. "Hey Kat. That was quite a load there", I hear a cheerful Irsish voice tell me. Im so confused. What's going on? "Uhh, I'm sorry for bothering you with that nonsense, I think I have the wrong number", I say.

I'm about to put my phone down when I hear, "No, Kat?! Its Niall, I'm a friend of Zayn's and Harrys''s. We've all heard so much about you!"

"Oh", I let out, slightly dazed. "Weren't you supposed to meet us yesterday?" Niall asks. "Um, yeah. I had something going on though. I'm sorry I couldn't".

"Nah, nah, that's fine, love. Have you got any plans for today? How about you come over now?" He asks sweetly.

Well that's great, they seem free too. But I really think I should speak to Zayn first, give him an apology anf then also talk to Harry. Niall takes my lack of response in the right way and says, "I'm guessing you'll want to speak to who you called to speak to, yeah? Won't be a moment".

I hear him yelling out for Zayn and hear him saying, "Niall, man. Why're you on my phone?" He doesn't sound to angry but nevertheless, I don't want Niall to get in any trouble. "Calm down buddy, its just your girlfriend calling you", he chuckles.

I feel a blush creeping up to my cheeks andsmile, suprising myself by doin g so. I hear Zayn telling Niall to give him his phone and hear Niall laughing at him.

"Hey Kat", he says breathlessly. "How are you?"

How am I? Surprised, sorta giddy. Why is he okay with talking to me? Shouldn't he be upset? Shouldn't he not want to speak to me? Shouldn't I be apologising?

"Hey Zayn. Listen, I'm so sorry I haven't called. Jess and I had an argument and it sorta wouldve made everything worse", I confess, hoping he'll undersatnd.

As I hoped, he says, "No, no, Kat that's fine. We were just a little worried about you, because you weren't replying and you're not from around here".

"Oh, I'm sorry, we didn't mean to worry you guys. I just couldn't".

"Not a problem, its fine".

"I still feel really bad about ditching you guys fro last night though, I really wanted to make it", I say, biting my lip. Maybe he won't even want me to meet them. I mean, I ditched them, so why would he?

I wait hopeful still. "Same, we really wanted to meet you. You could vome over to mine today though? It'll be fun". I'm momentarily silent, excited yet nervous and about to say yes but Zayn continues, "Uh, I mean, I'll call the lads over, they really wanna meet you too".

Smiling to myself, I agree and we make plans to meet at his apartment, where I'll meet the rest of the boys for the first time. We say bye and as I hang up, I can feel butterflies in my stomach, still excited from the phone call.


Liked it? I loved writing this.

In Chemistry, bored out of my mind.

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K x

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