Chapter Four

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Hello all you lovely people :) it's been ages, I know. I've been super busy with other stuff... MERRY CHRISTMAS!! What did you guys get? I know I have only 25 or so reads but I still want to hear from you guys! I've written up a whole heap of chapters already and I know comments from my readers will probably motivate me to out them up!

I made it four pages long oh gosh! I can't believe this. But I felt that I couldn't cut off it in the middle of it.

Anyways, please continue reading, and please also vote and comment!



We've been speaking for just over three hours now and I don't find myself bored at all, like I have in the past. I find myself actually interested in his life and I don't think much of it. He has just started talking about his first audition when an air hostess pulls the food cart up to our aisle. "Hello. The afternoon meal is ready", she says politely, but I notice her gaze lingering on Zayn. "What meals had you selected?"

"I asked for the continental", Jess says from her end. "I ordered the vegetarian", Harry says. "Same here", I chip in before Zayn says, "Mine is a halal meal". She passes the plates down the aisle to all of us and asks if she can help with anything else. Once everyone declines and she has pushed her cart away after giving Zayn a smile, we all rip the tops of the containers and dig in.

I see they've given both Harry and I a container of broccoli and different types of beans. Along with that is a bowl with a cold bread bun, a range of condiments for the bread and from the looks of it, a caramel slice on a plate. I look over to Jess to see her spooning steaming noodles into her mouth and on my other side, Zayn is dipping a piece of naan bead into what looks like meat curry.

I also dig in, cringing at the thought of eating steamed broccoli, but enjoy the bean mix. I look over to see harry crinkle his nose as he stabs the beans with a fork and nudge him lightly. I raise an eyebrow at him, a slight smile on my face, and he says, "I uh, I don't like beans". I let out a light laugh and say, "Yeah, well, I don't like the broccoli". We both look at our food before I snap my head up saying "Swap?" at the exact same time as Harry.

Realising what just happen we both start laughing and agree. I raise my container, wanting to tip the broccoli into his, but we both know that's going to be messy. "Okay, you finish your beans, I'll finish my broccoli and then we'll just swap containers, yeah?" he asks.

I think about it for a second and say okay but remind to warn him to "Keep your fork away from the beans though". "Why", he asks, looking slightly confused. I sigh, not sure if he will understand or laugh but say, "I don't want your germs on them".

And then he starts laughing.

When he finally stops he says, "What? You can't be serious". When I don't reply he continues, "But it's not like I slobber all over the fork. It won't actually be all germy".

Even I realise this but just give him a look and say "I know. Just try not to okay". I feel like he's going to tease me but instead he cracks a small smile, says okay, and turns back to his food.

I, being a lover of beans, gobble all mine up before he's done and wait for him to finish. I see that Zayn's also not eating, even though his plate is still food. "Not hungry", I ask, nodding at his plate.

He smile and says, "Oh, no way. I'm starved. I'm just waiting for the curry to cool down before I pour is over the rice". There is still steam coming from it, I observe as I wait. They are cubes of something in a deep orange curry and it looks familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.

"What exactly is it?" I ask, curious once again. "Rogan Josh", he answers, "heard of it?" Oh, right, I knew it was familiar. "Yeah, I have actually. My Mum made some a while back", I say, thinking back to the home made dish.

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