Chapter Twelve

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Ello loves,

It's been ages. ik. 

But I only just thought about uploading the other day but didn't have time. Too many internals ugh.

So anyway, here it is.


"I'm so tired!" I exclaim, grabbing a seat at the outdoor table. We both order some smoothies and fries and I look around me, enjoying myself.

We headed out at around noon and decided to visit a small amusement park nearly. The suns shining bright and it’s a beautiful day. We've been on about half the rides so far and we have no intention of leaving anytime soon.

Lying back in the chairs, I soak up as much sun as a can, loving the feel of the warm rays on my face.

The lovely weather matches our day. Although I was sort of anxious as to how we would get along at first, as the days gone by, we've been just fine I feel like we never even fought.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom, kay?"Jess excuses herself. I take the opportunity to check my phone, which has been silently buzzing in my back pocket since morning.

I go through a bunch of messages from both Zayn and Harry, asking if I'm still meeting up with them tonight.

I really want to, I think. But we just argued about this last night, and so maybe I shouldn't.

I put my phone back I'm my pocket at I see Jess making her way back to the table and we quickly finish out food before running off to join some more lines for the rides.

Nearly three hours later, we're done with the rides and on a bus back to the motel.

We stop and get off a couple minutes away from it to buy dinner and walk back. We eat an early dinner and decide to watch some TV and just try to end the tiring day relaxing.


While watching TV, I'm going through my messages and I feel guilty about not replying to any of Harry or Zayn's messages but decide it’s the only thing I can do.

Though I feel super bad, it's something I'm going to have to put up with until Jess tells me what's wrong.

I hope that's soon though, because I miss hanging out with them. They were funny and we always had a really good time while we were together.


The next morning, I wake to see that Jess is out of bed. I walk towards the hall and see her walking to the bench with two plates full of food.

"To make up for how I've been acting", she says simply, smiling at me.

I accept her gesture without any questions but know that if there's a time she’ll talk about what's been going in, it's now.

"Hey Jess?" I ask -and she looks up from her plate. "How come you don’t want to hang out with us anymore?"

"You're really not going to let this go are you, Kat?" When I shake my head, she sighs and pushes her plate away, as of getting prepared for a big story.

"Well, you said you thought I liked Harry, and I think I did. He's cute right? And funny". When I didn't say anything she continues, "And I thought maybe he liked me back, so I went along with it. But, he doesn't", she says with a sigh.

I furrow my eyebrows, because from what I've seen, Harry is into her. They were flirting at bowling and he pulled her aside to talk to her after dinner. "What do you mean he doesn't like you?"

"I mean, he doesn't like me".

"But how do you know that? He seemed interested, Jess", I say persistently.

"He just doesn't okay? I know he doesn't", she exclaims, and I know not to continue with the topic. I give her a slight nod and finish breakfast, before getting ready for the day.


Okay I know its short but these next few chapters are going to be adorable. Okay.

Vote and comment darlings ;) 

K x

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