The day after

12 1 0

Hey again.....I couldn't send you the previous letter but I guess you friend must have told you what I feel for you.
I am happy to see a smile on your pretty face just like dew drops adding beauty to a flower which is already so beautiful.

Even if we were sitting poles apart in the classroom, the sight of sunlight entering through the window next to you and kissing your soft cheeks was divine. Your bright shining eyes just like the star I would like to gaze all the day long.

I am in love with the situation when our sights clashed and you put your head down with a shy smile and blush. This would make this introvert smile. Yes I agree we didn't converse with words today but ya your eyes said a lot . This made me smile all day. While I am writing this letter I am smiling too. The reason is your thoughts and you yourself. I don't know why but I am falling for you more and more every moment. I don't know much about love but I can say that you have become the sun of the solar system of my thoughts. I know it is geeky but what can you expect from a guy who has spent most of his time with books. Now this guy wants to spend rest of his life you.

Not so secret admirer

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