Shuichi's Attempt

Start from the beginning

"Good morning, Kaede..." Shuichi responded, letting out a small yawn.

"Did you sleep well last night? You... seem more tired than usual." She pointed out, tilting her head.

"I've slept better..." He shrugged, sighing heavily as he fixed his hat.

"I'm sure we can fix you up with a good breakfast!" She shouted with a nod, a look of certainty on her face as her fists were by her head.

Shuichi felt the ghost of a genuine smile creep up on his face. Only Kaede could make that happen, her or Kaito, but mostly her. He was envious of her, though... she was always so confident and sure of herself, while he didn't even trust his own talent or knowledge. He had little to no reason to live anymore, while Kaede... she had the entire world to live for...

"Come on, let's go to the Dining Hall. I'm sure the others are already there and waiting." She beamed, grabbing Shuichi's hand.

"A-Ah.... right...." He stuttered, keeping his eyes fixed on the ground as they walked.

When they arrived at the Dining Hall, everyone was already there, like Kaede had said. They were all seated at the long table in the middle of the room, while Kirumi was in the kitchen area, making their meals. Shuichi and Kaede took their seats next to each other, not realizing they were still holding hands.

"Did you two get all cozy last night?" Miu asked, narrowing her eyes at their hands. "You better not have, otherwise I can't call you fucking virgins!"

"What are you talking about?" Kaito asked the Ultimate Inventor, before seeing that the two were holding hands. "Hey, Shuichi, have you finally stepped your game up?"

"Ugh, you degenerate male!" Tenko groaned, giving him a look of disgust. "Ever think that they're holding hands because they're best friends, or because Shuichi looks like he's a walking corpse!?"

"It's too early to be arguing...." Himiko sighed from her seat next to Tenko, blinking to show how tired she was.

"Shuichi?" The Ultimate Pianist asked, giving the male a look of concern. "Oh, you're right, Tenko... he does look dead..."

"Come on, Bro! We can't have you dying on us!" Kaito grinned at him, leaning back in his seat. "We promised that we'd all get out of here together!"

Shuichi hadn't even realized that they were talking about him. He had been taking count of everyone, making sure they were all present. Kirumi was in the kitchen, and everyone else was seated at the table. Well, almost everyone... there were still two people missing from their group.

"Has.... anyone seen Keebo... or Kokichi...?" He asked the present students, his eyes fixed on the two empty chairs.

"No.... I didn't see them on my way here, and I was the last one to show up before you two." Tsumugi shook her head, fixing her glasses.

Shuichi was quiet for a moment, before opening his mouth to speak. Before he could utter a word, though, the doors to the Dining Hall opened. Keebo walked in, carrying a half asleep Kokichi on his back.

"What are you doing, Keebo?" Kaito asked the Ultimate Robot, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm carrying Kokichi." Keebo responded, setting the Ultimate Supreme Leader in his seat.

"We can see that. He means why are you carrying him, like he's some sort of baby?" Maki sighed from her seat, giving the purple haired male a glare.

Keebo remained silent, directing his eyes to the groubbd as he took his seat. He seemed to keep staring at Kokichi, who he also had to keep awake by poking his cheek and arm. Shuichi, unlike everyone else, had already known that the Ultimate Robot had come to find some type of love for the Ultimate Supreme Leader. He didn't know if Kokichi felt the same, since he always lied about everything.

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