Chapter 11: Revived

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I awoke lying on the ground. How I came back to life? I don't know.

Looks like Yehuda didn't have the some luck as me. He lied face down in his blood. A dagger sticking through his skull, Killing him instantly.

I ran over to him, tears forming in my eyes. How could someone do this. WHO could do this.

A note was left reading:

I know your still alive.

Consider this a warning:

Stop reading those books

if you continue to keep this

up you won't be so lucky

next time.


I shivered at the thought of that. Then I knew I needed to go to Whiterun but I wasn't ready to get into that door. I still need those two weapons.

When I get into Whiterun, I everyone hear talking about the death of the queen, Vahl.

LostOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant