We are Losing Them

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"Come on, Lucinda. Your grandma is waiting for you outside!" My mom shouted outside my door. "If you don't come out in 10 minutes, you will miss this once in a life-time moment!"

I rolled on the other side of my bed, trying to block out everything being said to me. "I have terrible jet lag, Ma!" I protested.

"We all do, come on before you miss the release of the baby sea turtles!" She said with finality. This was supposed to be a vacation and a visit to my grandma's island in the Philippines. Aren't vacations supposed to be relaxing?

Leaving myself with no choice, I decided to get up to grab my sunglasses off the top of my cabinet. As soon I went out, i was welcomed with a warm breeze and salty air.

This is the place I remembered when I was a child. I normally visit to spend time with my grandma and to embrace the ocean as if it was a part of me.

A group of cheerful people caught my attention as I walked down the stairs from our bungalow.

I stood next to my grandma, while she was in her favorite chair, holding her cane. I see her assistant from the sanctuary getting ready to open a box.

This is my first time experiencing it as I don't visit often anymore. People gathered around but still leaving enough space for this event. I felt bored and regretful that I should be in my room relaxing right now. My grandma held my hand tight.

"I want you to see this moment. I want you to continue whatever I started." I heard her whispered. I was about to answer but the baby turtles, trying to reach the ocean, caught my attention.

Everyone cheered. Clapping their hands and taking videos and photos.

"Why is everyone so happy to see this, grandma?"

She nodded as if she expected me to ask her this question. "We are losing them, hija."

I was shocked. "We are losing counts on the sea turtles that are capable in laying eggs."

"How did that happen? I thought they are meant to have long lives."

"They are. But not anymore. More plastic in the ocean means lesser number of marine life, and sea turtles are one of them. We collected a dead sea turtle with her eggs still with her. She died because of plastic straws blocking her nose and plastics in her system." Sadness is evident in her voice. She looked at me with her pleading eyes. "I may not have enough time to witness a good population of them anymore. I will leave everything to you. You're a part of me and I know we share the same passion, the moment I saw you when you were a kid, you have a heart when it comes to them. Please do whatever it takes."

I nodded as I wipe her tears away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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