chapter 10

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Justin -- Saywer is my son 

Selena -- Why didn't you tell me? 

Justin -- I was afraid 

Selena -- Of what? 

Justin -- You would tell everyone 

Pattie -- (walks in) Selena your mom is here 

Selena -- I have to go 

Pattie -- Feel better sweetie 

Selena -- Thanks (leaves) 

Pattie -- What's wrong with you? 

Justin -- (walks upstairs) 

(The next day) 

Selena -- (walks up) 

Demi -- Hey selly belly 

Selena -- Hey 

Demi -- You seem depressed 

Selena -- Im not 

Miley -- Zac told me about yesterday. So who picked you up? 

Selena -- Justin's mom 

Miley -- (smirks) You spent the day with your lover 

Selena -- I don't love him 

Tay -- Whatever you say 

Demi -- Is he coming to the party? 

Selena -- (spots Justin) He's busy

Demi -- With what? He just moved here. 

Justin -- (walks by) 

Selena -- Family stuff 

(bell rings) 

Demi -- we're going over to Tay's house before the party 

Selena -- alright (walks to class)

(In class) 

Selena -- (looks around for Justin) 

Mr. Kortz -- Ms. Gomez 

Selena -- yeah? 

Mr. Kortz -- switch seats with Zac 

Selena -- What? Why? 

Mr. Kortz -- I want you close to a trash can 

Class -- laughs) 

Selena --(walks to the front and glares) 

Class- (stops laughing) 

Justin -- (walks) 

Mr. Kortz -- Mr. Bieber do you have a pass? 

Justin -- (hands him a note) 

Mr. Kortz -- (stuffs the note into his pocket) Your partner today is going to be Zac 

Justin -- (sits next to Zac) 


Text Convo
Miley -- Where r u? 
Sel -- home y? 
Miley -- ur suppose 2 b @ Tays 
Sel -- I'll be there 
Miley -- u better 

Selena -- (puts her phone down and gets dressed - (walks downstairs) Can I borrow your car? 

Mandy -- Why? 

Selena -- Incase I have to go somewhere 

Mandy -- (hands her the keys) I guess but for emergencies only! 

Selena -- yes ma'am 

(hears a car horn) 

Mandy -- I have to go. Remember don't do anything dangerous 

Selena -- I know 

Mandy -- (kisses her head and leaves) 

(With Justin and Sawyer) 

((bell rings)) 

Justin -- stay right here Sawyer 

Sawyer -- (sits on the couch) okay 

Justin -- (opens the door) What are you doing here? 

Who do you think it is leave in the comments who you think is at the door

Sawyer Drew Bieber justlena/jelena love storyWhere stories live. Discover now