Chapter 7

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I wake up the next morning in a strange room. It takes me a few minutes to remember where I am at.

Good you are awake I was just coming to wake you up. I got everything you need to make breakfast. Get a move on it woman. I am starving.

Piper I don't remember agreeing to make breakfast this morning.

But Crim you know I can't cook and I didn't jump on you to wake you up this time. Please feed me.

I forgot how much you were like a overgrown child. Give me ten I need to stop by the bathroom.

So where did you and Vic disappear to last night?

Not doing what you think now get out of here if you want breakfast. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. What did you get me Piper?

I bought stuff to make your pancakes along with eggs and bacon.

How many people are we expecting?

The band and that's all I guess Piper says.

I will call you when it gets ready now get out of here.

I started you some coffee Crim. It should be ready anytime now. I left you a mug on the counter.

I head straight for the coffee pot grabbing the mug waiting for me. The first cup I always drink black.

I have the radio quietly playing while I am currently flipping pancakes on a griddle.

Good morning Vic says huskily before pouring his own cup of coffee and starting a second pot.

How you feeling this morning?

I feel a little off but no major hangover. What about you?

I am fine. I don't usually get hangovers.

I woke up this morning wanting another piece of chocolate cake.

Sorry it's all gone.

Guess I will have to settle for whatever you are cooking? How did you get talked into cooking breakfast?

Piper begged me to cook because she is starving to death. Hope you like pancakes, eggs, and bacon because that is what we are having. Fifteen minutes later and everything is ready.

Someone else is on clean up duty. I cooked someone else has to clean.

I remember the rules Piper says getting up and starting to clean the table off.

If it is okay with you Vic I am going to go grab a shower and head to the gym. I already missed my morning run.

So did Torryn and Brandon they both got wasted last night. Well Torryn did and Brandon drank more than I have ever seen him drink so I am pretty sure you didn't miss much.

Make yourself at home everything you need should be in the bathroom.

Thank you and thank you for inviting me over last night and letting me stay.

You are welcome to stay anytime that you want to especially if you cook like this when you stay over Vic says with a teasing smile.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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