At least I like Jenna, so she's not like the rest of the hoochies I go to school with. I almost want to laugh out loud at the thought of me calling other girls hoochies, like I really have any room to talk.

"So is your brother as sweet as he comes off to be?" Jenna interrogates.

"Sadly, yes, he's the perfect gentleman. I'm pretty sure he even opens doors for girls," I chuckle.

"Is he seeing-"

"No, he's single, but he doesn't really date during baseball season," I tell her, getting even more annoyed with this silly game of twenty questions. "Jenna, I swear if you ask one more question about my brother, I'm going to puke," I say, semi-jokingly.

"Sorry..." she says. "But as you've probably noticed I have bad luck with guys."

"And I've yet to hear anything about the ABC D-bag," I remind her.

Jenna takes a deep breath. "It's complicated. His dad was having an affair with my mom for around two years. He finally left his wife and tied the knot with my mom, giving me two step brothers," she pauses to catch her breath. "I messed around with ABC D-bag just to piss my mom off. The fact that I was drunk didn't make matters any better. I completely regretted it after. Anyways, that's pretty much it."

"You and I are a lot more alike than I thought..." I state.

"Except, I prefer single men," she giggles.

"Men?" I repeat, amused. "Hunny, you're fishing in high school, these are boys we're dealing with," I point out.

Jenna cracks up laughing. "That's true. If you want me to back off of your brother, just say the word."

I shake my head, stopping the cart near an old lady to grab salsa dip. "I owe him for sleeping with half of his friends," I say, getting a disgusted look from Grandma Betty in front of me. "Problem? Turn down your hearing aide if you don't like what you hear," I snap.

Jenna covers her laughter with coughs. "Excuse us," she says, politely to the old woman as we go around her.

Today is not my day; I'm even more bitchy than usual, being rude to an old lady. Oh well, she was eavesdropping in my conversation. I think that last night with Sam really threw me off my game. He didn't even seem interested. Maybe he's actually a good guy and I should just leave him alone. But then again, nothing would satisfy me more than proving to Brielle that her ideal boyfriend is just like the rest of them.

"Besides, if I go for your brother, I won't have to worry about you," Jenna teases.

"Worry about me?" I parrot.

"Well, since you have a fetish for guys in relationships, I won't have to worry about you intervening on mine," she explains, nudging my arm to let me know that she's kidding.

"I wouldn't do that to a friend," I assure her. "Besides, guys have the choice to cheat, or not to. I don't force them to do it. I simplye persuade them to do what they already want to do."

"I know. I understand your logic, it's just, I think karma will bite you in the ass someday," she tells me.

"Look. By being with a guy who's in a relationship, I'm not the one being cheated on."

"When did you start doing it?" she questions, her voice shaky, like she might say the wrong thing and piss me off.

"Almost three years ago," I answer subconsciously while tossing things into the shopping cart to keep my mind from swaying to Josh.

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