
It's one in the morning- my glowing watch's face tells me so- and I'm about to die of thirst.

Two hours ago, I suggested to Emily that we go to sleep. She's got a long practice tomorrow- later today, I guess- and staying up all night won't help her with keeping up with the team.

We both toss a lot in our sleep- I know I do- but our twisted up sleeping bags are laying in a mess to confirm this. I woke up a few minutes ago, surprised to find her face only half a foot from mine and her hair somehow curving above her head toward me.

I carefully get up and tip toe my way down the hall toward the kitchen, in search of a glass for water. I arrive in the kitchen to see her stepdad sitting there on a laptop, typing away, with files spread all over the table around him.

"Hello," I whisper, just to let him know I'm here.

"Hey." he whispers back, not even looking at me this time. "Need something?"

"Glass of water."

"Go for it."

I fill up a glass and take two huge gulps, finally rehydrating the dry spot on my tongue that woke me up.

"So when are you going to ask her out?" he says, and I freeze, halfway to putting the glass down.

"I- well-" I don't know what to say. Who asks a girl they hardly know questions like this? And in the early hours of the morning, no less. I place my empty glass on the counter next to the sink. I decide on honesty. "I hadn't really intended to, sir."

"That's a shame. She really likes you."


I look at the ground. I really don't know what to say. I walk toward Emily's room again, ready for this ambush of a conversation to be over. I'm two steps in the hall when I turn around and decide to finish it.

"Say I did ask her out." I say, and he actually looks at me again, his face blank. He's exhausted. "Would that be all right with you?"

"That would be a better question for her dad."

"And how would I ask him?"

"You could call him," he tilts his head to the side. "Or you could wait until he comes at the end of the summer to help her move in with him."

So soon?

"She's leaving at the end of the summer?"

"Yeah. The middle of August." He smirks, probably enjoying the coincedence of my name and the month. Everyone did.


I turn to go back to bed, and he stops me with his words.

"For what it's worth, I'd be okay with it. You and her. I think it'd be good."

I say nothing, just nod.

I go back and lie down next to her on my back with my hands under my head. I'm thinking.

If she leaves in the middle of August, we have... Well, it's the beginning of April... We have almost four months, I think.

I've never wanted a girlfriend before, really. Mainly because I'm not out of the closet to everyone yet- I wouldn't be able to tell anyone about her- not that I really have many people who would listen. I wouldn't be able to take her out, or hold her hand, or kiss her in public. What would be the point?

Emily sighs in her sleep and reaches out one arm, unseeing, to wrap around my ribcage. I don't know what exactly to do- it's not every night that a really attractive girl cuddles up to me. So I just wrap my arm around her, too, easing it under her neck so my hand is on her shoulder.

Then it hits me- my train of thought forcefully gets shoved back on the tracks- it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if I would be able to show the world that she's mine. If I had a girlfriend- say, Emily, for example- I would have her when I really need her. I really could have used a girlfriend this past year- when I cut off all of my long hair, especially.

If I had a girfriend, I would have her for moments like this- curled up together in the middle of the night, knowing no one can see.

I seriously pity anyone who has never known this sliver of heaven.



Question for Comments: What is the silliest thing you've ever done with someone you like?

Comment, Vote, and Fan- should you so desire.

Much Love and Until Next Time,


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