"We should go to the police. Seriously. The three of us." The doctor started going through Rose's stuff, Alyssa watching with much amusement. "That won't last, he's gay and she's an alien."

"I'm not blaming you, even if it was just some sort of joke that went wrong," Rose said as the doctor picked up a book and flipped through it. "Hmm. Sad ending."

"They said on the news they'd found a body." Alyssa smacked the back of his head when he picked up an envelope on the table. He looked at her with shock and a little bit of anger but she just gestured behind him. He turned around and saw a mirror. Which he uses to examine himself. "Ah, could've been worse. Look at the ears." The doctor picked up a deck of card and once again Alyssa smacked him on the back of his head looking at him with disapproval. He then stared at her with annoyance but she just gave him a look that said 'don't mess with me'. He sighed and turned away to look more around the room.

"Anyway, if we are going to go to the police, I want to know what I'm saying," Rose said as she finished pouring the Doctor's cup of coffee. "I want you to explain everything," Rose said turning around to put the cup on the table. The noise of the cat flap opening

"What's that, then? You got a cat?" The doctor asked

"No," Rose said, Alyssa knowing what was about to happen looks behind the couch and the auton arm grabs her throat. The doctor instantly runs over and tries to help Alyssa get the arm off of her throat.

"I told Mickey to chuck that out. You're all the same. Give a man a plastic hand. Anyway, who are you two? Doctor what?"

The Doctor manages to get the arm off. But it just stops in mid-air and grabs Rose's face. Both Alyssa and The Doctor starts to pull at it trying to get it off of her. They finally manage to get it off of Rose with the doctor using his sonic screwdriver which finally makes it turn off.

"It's all right, I've stopped it. There you go, you see? Armless."

"Do you think?" Rose said then hit both The Doctor and Alyssa with the arm. Alyssa didn't say anything but rub her arm. The doctor soon pulled her to her feet and pulled her out of the apartment and down the stairs obviously trying to go to the Tardis. Rose followed them all the way saying that they couldn't leave until they explained what was going on. They reached outside. The doctor constantly pulling on Alyssa still wanting answers from her.

"All right, then. I'll go to the police. I'll tell everyone. You said, if I did that, I'd get people killed. So, your choice. Tell me, or I'll start talking."

"Is that supposed to sound tough?"
"Sort of."

"Doesn't work."

"Who are you two?"

"Oh Rose Tyler, you'll find out very soon."

"How did you know my name?" Alyssa blinked and said "oh crap." she turned so she could face Rose fully and said, "I'm psychic." The Doctor watched her even more confused about the girl in front of him. Rose nodded someone being psychic was the most believable at this moment in time.

"Still who are you two?"

"My name is Alyssa." Rose nodded happy that she finally got a straight answer for once, then she looked at the Doctor. "Told you. The Doctor."

"Yeah, but Doctor what?"

"Just the Doctor," Alyssa said at the same time as The Doctor did.

"The Doctor."


"Is that supposed to sound impressive?"
"Sort of."
"Come on, then. You can tell me. I've seen enough. Are you the police?"
"No, I was just passing through. I'm a long way from home."
"Both of us are a long way from home," Alyssa added, giving the doctor some sort of hint of who she was.
"But what have I done wrong? How come those plastic things keep coming after me?"

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