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Alyssa appeared in an alleyway somewhere in the middle of London. She looked around and walked out of the Alleyway just to see Henricks Department store. She smiled as she knew where she was. She started walking down the street to see the Tardis where she dug through her pockets just in hope that The Eleventh Doctor had put a key to the Tardis in there. Her hand brushed something like a box she brought it out and opened it up to see a Tardis key hanging on a silver chain. She smiled and inserted into the lock and went into the Tardis and sat in the pilot seat waiting for the ninth Doctor to come in after blowing up Rose's job. He hummed when he entered not noticing Alyssa sitting on the Pilot's chair until he turned around to drive them away from where they were.
"How did you get in here?" she smiled and held up a key. "You gave me a key!" The Doctor walked over and looked at the key and tried to snatch it from her but she instantly took it back and put it over her neck. She looked him up and down and said: "Just blew up Henricks am I correct?"

"How did you know that?"

"I know everything about your life Theta." She said with much determination.

"Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Alyssa, blimey I just came from a time where you knew me but I didn't know you."

"I for some reason jump through time. And Right now we don't have time for this. Living Plastic? Your ship tracked another Auton." She said gesturing to a screen behind where he was standing. He looked behind him and started flipping levers and said: "I am not done with you!"

"Didn't think so," she said smiling as she stood up and watched him pilot the Tardis. She followed him out and to Rose's apartment he looked up at her and said: "Do you have anything better than follow me around?"

"Let me think about it..." She said looking up at the ceiling then back at the door before saying. "Nope." The Doctor scoffed and leaned down to start messing with the cat flap. Soon the door opened and Rose appeared

"What're you doing here?" The Doctor said,

"I live here," Rose said looking at the two of them assuming that Alyssa was his partner or assistant.

"Well, what do you do that for?"

"Because I do. I'm only at home because someone blew up my job."

"I must have got the wrong signal. You're not plastic, are you?" he said knocking on her head "No, bonehead. Bye, then." Before the Doctor could turn around Alyssa pushed him into the apartment with the help of Rose pulling him inside "You. Inside. Right now." Alyssa happily walked in and followed Rose to the living room with the doctor unwillingly following her

"Who is it?"

"It's about last night. They are part of the inquiry. Give us ten minutes."

"She deserves compensation," Jackie said when Alyssa and the Doctor stopped in front of the door to Jackie's room. "Oh, we're talking millions." Alyssa watched as Jackie stood up and pulled her dressing gown closer to her body.

"I'm in my dressing gown."

" Yes, you are."

"There's a strange man in my bedroom." Alyssa watched the exchange with much amusement

"Yes, there is."

"Well, anything could happen." She said and with that Alyssa broke out laughing when the doctor said "no" and pulled her with him to the living room.

"Don't mind the mess. Do you two want a coffee?" Rose asked

"Might as well, thanks. Just milk." The doctor said while Alyssa shook her head.

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