✥Chapter 2✥

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Take me to the church

Exorcise your demon that posses me

Bite me

I like your venom

Even if it stings

I knows it hurts me

It's not what love brings

Frank messily scrawled in his notebook. It was Sunday morning and he couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious man he met last night. He was very interested by him and intrigued. The image of the midnight-haired man danced through his mind. Frank sat on his bed, on top of the covers, and sighed. He didn't want to get up so early, he really didn't. But he wasn't going to miss seeing Gerard at church.

The late dawn sun of the fall peaked through his window curtains casting soft shadows on everything. The sunlight shone in rays that highlighted the bits of dust floating around his room. An eerily golden glow basked the room and Frank snuggled back into his sun-laced covers. He placed the old journal on his maple nightstand and checked the time. 7:00. That meant he had an hour to get ready and arrive there. It was only a five minute walk from his home so that wasn't a problem. The problem was his reluctancy to get out of bed.

His motivation came in the form of his little dog prancing into the room. Her claws clicked against the hardwood floor as she scurried to Frank's bedside. The little dog stood on her hind legs and propped herself on the side of the bed, still too short to peer over. "Sweet Pea!" Frank cooed picking up his lovely dog. The little dog who resembled a rat, with her curly matted brown fur. She pressed her wet snout to his face and sniffed it before licking it. Frank laughed while setting down Sweet Pea on the floor again. Frank lazily rolled out of bed and onto the floor with a soft thud. Sweet Pea scampered back, slightly startled. He stretched his limbs, not minding being on the floor, before reaching under his bed to find a decent shirt to wear. He'd wear whatever was on the floor as long as the smell wasn't too pungent.

If he could find anything. His things always seemed to disappear without a trace, Frank wasn't that unorganized. He never understood it. But it was not the time to ponder that, he picked up a pair of ripped jeans before getting up and walking into the bathroom. Frank threw on his shirt, which happened to be a misfits one, only tangling his hair further. His hair stood up in all directions, it looked like he walked through a wind storm. Frank ran his fingers though his long bangs before picking up a fine tooth comb to brush through it vigorously. He yanked his hair hard enough to give him whiplash, which he surprisingly didn't have yet from this or intense guitar head banging. His eyes drifted over to his collection of makeup, specifically drawn to the black eyeliner pencil. He hesitated before picking it up and smudging it around his eyes. He looked fierce, a great look for church.

Frank wandered out of the bathroom, joined by Sweet Pea, following the aroma of coffee into the kitchen to see a note from his mother.

"Frank, I went to the women's ministry bible club this morning, see you after mass x -Mom"

He crumpled it up and stuck in into the back pockets of his jeans. Frank finished his coffee and placed the empty mug into the sink before leaving for church.

As he strolled down the hallway he eyed the crucifix on the wall. The crucifix was constructed of wood and several glass containers with minerals and gems. The steel colored plating about the suffering man on the cross read INRX. He had bought that for his mother as a Christmas present, and protection. Frank had every reason to believe they needed it, he felt as if he was always being watched by something. Not only watched, strange occurrences had began happening after they moved to their current house. Things such as the TV turning on when no one was in the room, water from the faucet suddenly blasting on and shutting off as soon as Frank got close enough to do it himself, his belongings disappearing.

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