Chapter 2

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In Another world at the Same Time

Izuku Midoriya was currently lying down on Dagobah Beach, he was covered in sweat, his mentor All Might, the current Number 1 Hero, and the one who said he could be a hero, looking at the hero, he saw that he was staring at the sky with narrowed eyes, and looking up, he could see why, something looked to be falling

"What.... is.... that?" He panted out, the hero looked at him, before landing up at breakneck speeds and catching whatever it was, and when he returned back down, Izuku was shocked to see that it was a person, he looked around 17, maybe 18 years old, about 1 or 2 years older than himself, years older than Izuku himself.

(Yeah i made all the characters older so that Percy doesn't seemed to old and so he can still be in Izukus class)

The boy seemed to be passed out, and for good reason, he's covered in cuts, bruises, dirt and grime, he looked like he went through hell and back, looking at him though Izuku could see the boy was actually extremely handsome, if he was clean and wearing some fresh clothes he assumed the boy would look extraordinarily handsome, the boy had a back pack on his back but when his mentor went to open it, it wouldn't budge, and when he went to tear the bag open nothing changed

All Might Sighed, he didn't know what to do, deciding it best to wait, he lay the boy on a bench while Izuku get to work

It was about an hour later when the boy regained Conciousness, jolting up, his first view was of a boy moving trash while a skinny, skeleton like man encouraged him

"Hmm, so it looks like Gaeas curse took place, damn. I knew it was reckless, fuck." Tears streamed down his face, never being able to see his family again, trapped in a different dimention. Oh God what about his Mom and Paul, they were having a kid, he'll never get to meet his baby sister, his dad? What of theirs a new war.

"Hey kid you alright." Looking up, he saw the Skellington looking man talking to him

"C-can you tell me where I am, and what year it is?" He asks, the man looks at him strangely, but nods anyways

"Your is Mustafu, Japan 2305, why kid?"

"Fuck, so I'm still on earth, fucking brilliant, fucking torturous bitch." He mutters, hoping the man wouldn't hear, sadly he does

"Right kid, can you fill me in."

"Can you promise me that you'll take me seriously, it sounds crazy but I honestly need somebody I can trust right now?"

"Right kid, you have my word!" He proclaims

"I'm from... an alternate dimention, I was fighting a war, against Gaea the earth deity and her children with 6 others and the Olympians, when I killed Gaea she cursed me into another Dimention to stay forever, never ageing as revenge, I can't return." He tells him, hoping he'll understand

The man looks at him seriously, he can clearly see that Percys telling the truth "All right kid, what's your name? Got any powers?"

"Perseus Jackson, but I prefer Percy, and yes I'm a son of Poseidon I can manipulate all liquids to my will, I have slight geokenetic abilities in which I can create and stop earthquakes, I can also create hurricanes. Further more I can manipulate the winds a little bit aswell as summon sparks of lightning, I also have an ability to heal anything no matter the damage, it's from being related to the Golden fleece, erm I have slight love senseing abilities, I'm not so sure what else, I should also either posses Vapour Travel or Storm Travel."

"Damn kid, that's powerful"

"That's the base off all my abilities, I've destroyed deities older than time himself, my power as a regular demigod was enough to kill the titan of time and evil, one that 3 Gods had to kill while using all their power, I'll a whole lot more powerful than you think."

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