Chapter 2 :The Story is Revealed in the Mythical Vale!

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Chapter 2: The Story is Revealed in the Mythical Vale!

Elri, Kohaku, and Myka all fell out of the portal head first to the ground. They groaned in pain. The hood of Elri's cloak fell off his face to reveal long silky black hair that cascaded down to his shoulders. Myka was amazed at the Wizard's girly hair. What also surprised him were the long pointy ears that stuck out of it. No wonder he was so handsome. The wizard was an elf.

"Nice Ears." Myka said a moment later.

"Thank you. We of the Elf folk have very sharp hearing. Our ears wiggle when danger is near." Elri replied with a smile.

Before Myka could say anything else, the sound of loud stomping approached them. Elri turned to see imprints of hooves in the ground engulfed in flames. His eyes then widened in terror.

"Run! It's an Inferno Bull!" He cried out.

Myka looked behind Elri to see a bull covered in flames with ashes protruding from its nostrils. It was charging towards them in a rage. Without hestiation, they all made a run for it. Kohaku almost tripped. Elri quickly scooped the child up into his arms. He placed her onto his shoulders. She thanked him. The bull was gaining on them. Elri then saw a glittering light up ahead and smiled. They had come upon a magical veil that was made of a majestic spider's web, morning dew, and water droplets.

"The Mythical Vale! Come, we'll be safe here." He called out to them.

As soon as they ran inside the entrance to the Mythical Vale, the bull fell into a ditch. The vale was shielded from all creatures of darkness. Relieved that their folly with the bull was over, Elri placed Kohaku back to the ground. Myka wiped the sweat off his face after that.

"That bull almost had us. When this ends, remind me not to tease the bulls ever again." Mka told Kohaku after catching his breath.

"I hope there are no more. That was scary." Kohaku noted.

Elri agreed. "We're safe within the Mythical Vale which is my home. Once we leave, we'll be targets to any dark and dangerous creatures that are in league with the demons and goblins. The lands of the Arcadian Kingdom are outside of this sanctuary. That is where we are heading next to fight the demons and save the world." He explained.

"Is there a chance we can succeed?" Myka asked.

Elri patted the young warrior on the shoulder. "If you believe in yourself while showing courage, anything is possible." He told him a moment later with a soft smile.

Once they had regained their composure, they walked further into the Mythical Vale. Hummingbirds flew in the distance. They soared to and fro over the flowers happily. Kohaku wished she could see them. Hearing them buzz like bees made her happy.

"The Hummingbirds sound wonderful!" She exclaimed with awe.

"They are very tiny and beautiful. They are like the frogs we used to catch at home." Myka told her.

Kohaku got angry after she heard that.

"I don't like frogs. A frog is the reason I am blind. Don't ever compare beautiful birds to those slimy disgusting creatures ever again, Myka-San!" Kohaku cried.

Tears filled her eyes after that. They silently fell to the ground. Myka then held his sister in a tight embrace.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, Kohaku. It's going to be okay. Please don't cry." He said.

'I would do anything to have you see again.' He thought to himself.

Myka wiped the tears out of Kohaku's eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. Elri heard Myka's thought and decided to grant his wish. It would come at a price though. Myka would have to sacrifice something more than life itself in order to have his wish granted. When Kohaku felt better, Myka passed around a slice of the pear cinnamon bread to eat. Elri thanked him and ate in peace.

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