Chapter 3

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Cygnus cleared her throat which caused everyone to turn to her. She looked at all of them, "I do not trust you bunch going after Euryale, but I can not stop you. The only thing that I can say is why she is doing all of this."

Orion smiled and nodded, "Okay!!"

Cygnus relaxed herself in the chair, "Euryale is mad at Hercules and Perseus for killing her sisters, but according to the words of lords and ladies from the nearby lands is that they have been seeing men and women being turned into stone."

Hero crossed his arms, "So we have a woman going around and turning people into stone huh?"

Siphon smirked, "Sounds like a challenge."

Orion got up and stretched, "Let's get going!!"

Juvin raised his hand quickly, "No killing her!!! I want to experiment!!!!"

Orion and the others nodded before getting up and leaving. They walked out and went down to the teleport. Orion turned on the teleporter and they walked through it.

They were teleported in front of Euryale's cave. They saw statues covering the entrance. Alex walked up to one of the statues.

Alex touched it, "So... This is what she can do huh?" The statue turned into dust as soon as he touched it. He backed up to the others.

Siphon smiled, "Let's get going!!"

Orion bounced on top of Siphon, "I'm going first!!!"

Siphon threw Orion off of him, "NO YOUR NOT!!!!!!!!!"

Orion yelled back, "AM TOO!!!!!!!!"

Siphon tried punching Orion, but he missed because Orion ran into the cave. Siphon ran in after him.

Hercules narrowed his eyes, "Great...." He walked in with the others following him.

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