Chapter 2

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The group walked into the ballroom to see everyone in there waiting for them. Orion walked off to meet up with his wife, Cygnus the Swan. She looked human with a beautiful white gown with a feathery scarf wrapped around her elbows. She walked up to Orion with her Snow White glove hand out for him to grab and lead her to the Gods and others, but instead Orion passed her and went to the head table.

He smiled, "Come up here!!! This table is for the Gods and friends!!!!"

The Gods and others walked up to Orion as they passed Cygnus who was giving Orion a dirty look. They got up to him as they sat down at the table. Cygnus shortly followed and punched Orion in the arm. He winced a bit and rubbed it while taking her to her seat before sitting next to her.

Cygnus puts on a smile, "My apologies for not introducing myself. My name is Cygnus. I'm Orion's wife."

Siphon whispered to Orion, "I thought she was a monster."

Orion whispers back, "She is when she doesn't eat or have sex."

Siphon did a quick nod before sitting back up along with Orion. Corvus flies into the room and lands on Orion's arm with a letter attached to him. Orion took the letter off and let Corvus fly off.

Cygnus raised an eyebrow, "What does it say dear?"

Orion starts to read the letter:

Dear Orion,

It is I, Hercules, I am returning with the head of Stheno, the eldest sister of Medusa. Me and Perseus is wondering if you want to join us when we hunt down the final sister, Euryale. Me and Perseus have found out that Euryale has a son, but we don't know who. We will find this son of her's and kill him when we have a chance. We will come and get you after we go to Athena's church.



Cygnus shook her head, "You boys need to stop going after those monsters. They will eventually turn you boys into stone."

Orion smiled widely, "Hey Siphon! Hero! Alex! Do you guys want to come with me to hunt down this Euryale?!!?!?!?"

The 3 of them nodded with smiles.

Juvin quickly raised a hand, "WAIT!!!!!!!!!!! Don't kill her!!!!!!!!!"

Orion looks at Juvin with a confused look, "Why???"

Juvin smiled quickly, "We are going to capture her and try to get answers as to why she and her sisters were and are turning people into stone."

Hero cracked his knuckles, "Sounds like fun. Yo! Orion! When are these Hercules and Perseus will be here?!"

Orion shrugged and put his hand onto his chin, "Don't know."

Siphon smiled and leaned onto his seat, "Sounds like fun. A little search and capture game."

Orion nodded and smiled widely.

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