Chapter Eight

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Eddie and Venom got away from the bad guys. Eddie had his hands in his head as Venom came out from behind him.

"Sorry Eddie. I didn't mean too get her captured,"

"I- I know it's not your fault, but we have to go back for her,"

"For once I agree. It's rather lonely without her around," he says causing him to raise his eyebrows.

"What are you saying?"

"I mean sure she's stubborn, annoying, and a trouble maker but I do like her,"

"You were trying to eat her,"

"I was joking..... Maybe. Anyways we have to come up with a plan to save her,"

"All I know is she's with that bastard brother now. Who knows what he's doing to her," Eddie says causing Venom to growl.

"The one that was abusing her?"


"Can I eat him? But I'm going to do it nice and slow, maybe cook his legs first and eat his arms off. Then save the juicy part of his head for last," Venom said causing Eddie to chuckle.

"Sounds like a plan to me ya freak,"


"Wake up," A voice says as something cold splashed on Sarah, causing her to gasp and jolt awake.

She looked into the eyes of her brother who had a hard and an unreadable expression on his face. Sarah noticed she was strapped tight in a chair as Carlton pursed his lips.

"Eddie Brock? You left me for EDDIE BROCK!" He shouted causing her to flinch.

"I-I can explain," she tried as Carlton only chuckled.

"I bet you can. You know how much hell you put me through for the last six months? Worrying over you, thinking oh my God my sister either been killed or kidnapped, I had the whole town searching for you and here I find out that you were with someone like Eddie Brock. This cannot go unpunished. Bring him in," Carlton says as he brought in a symbiote.

"N-No big brother please! If you love me you wouldn't do this. I could get killed!"

"It's because I love you that I have too. And besides dear sister, don't think if for one second I won't kill you for what you've done, than you are wrong. Let him-"

Before he had time to say anything the sounds of gunshots and screams we're heard from around the building as a loud roar also sounded as Sarah smiled big.

"VENOM!" Sarah screamed out hoping somehow that he will hear her.

Carlton growled in annoyance as he gave Sarah a hard glare.

"Release the symbiote now,"

"NOOO! CARLTON PLEASE!" She screamed out as he was just walking away when the symbiote got released from it's cage.

It had crawled slowly towards her going up to her but before it had time to enter inside her, Venom busted in through the door.


"Sarah," he softly said heading towards her and ripping the symbiote in half before it could reach her.

"Not today," he growled dropping it as he undid the straps.

As soon as Sarah was free she wrapped her arms around Venom's leg and cried.

"I-I thought I was going to die. My brother was really willing to kill me. Thank you Venom,"

"Uhhh.... I'm not too good at this kind of stuff but you are welcome. Besides if anyone's going to get you killed it's me. I'm not going to let someone else take pride in my work," he says patting her head causing her to chuckle.

The moment was ruined however when guards started showing up at the entrance with smoke bombs.

"Sarah, I'm going to need you to run somewhere and hide,"

"Venom, what about you?"

"It'll take more than that too put me down. I'll find you now go, go," he says causing her to nod as she screamed when shots rang out.

Covering her ears, Sarah raced out the door as she saw Venom take a smoke bomb in his mouth and spill it out everywhere.

"Be safe," she whispered but before she could turn around to leave Carlton was in front of her as she gasped.

"Big brother,"

"Leaving so soon? Oh no dear sister we have loads to talk about,"

"NO! I WILL NOT LET YOU ABUSE ME ANYMORE!" She shouted kicking him where the sun doesn't shine as he groaned and fell to the ground and began making her way out the building.

"YOUR MAKING A GRAVE MISTAKE! YOU ARE NO LONGER FAMILY IF YOU WALK OUT THAT DOOR!" Carlton yelled out through gritted teeth as Sarah chuckled.

"Good I was never apart of your family anyways," she told him looking back at him one last time as she left the building.

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