Chapter Two

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"W-What is this?" Sarah asked horrified as it was the next day and her and Carlton were in the lab where moving, slimy things were locked up in glass cages.

"Well dear sister if you'd been here yesterday you would have seen it. These are called symbiotes. They are from another planet you can say,"

"So.... Like aliens then?" She asked walking up close to one as it jumped on the glass when it saw her causing her to gasp and jump back.

"Yes exactly right. Are we ready to start human trials?" Carlton asked Dora a co-worker as she frowned.

"No it's too risky Mr. Drake we only see these things get inside animals. Who knows what it could do to a human,"

"Do it anyways. Come," Carlton mentioned to Sarah as she reluctantly followed behind him.

When she came out of the lab what she saw shocked her, she saw Eddie with cameramen around asking people questions.

"Mr. Drake," Eddie says making his way over to us. "Sarah?" Eddie asked confused as she looked down.

"How do you know my sister?"

"I umm.... Well-"

"He's nobody big brother. I guess he knows me since I'm related too you,"

"Oh yeah? If I'm such a nobody how did I come across this?" He asked shoving a file into Carlton's chest.

Sarah's eyes widened at the file she gave to Brock three nights ago.

"Yeah I know all about this place. This place is buried underground where people have died. And also that you have these Alien things your going to use as human experience that might What do you have to say about that?"

"You gave him this?" Carlton asked Sarah in rage as she gulped.

"I- I-"

She didn't have time to say anything as he once again back handed her, causing her to fall to the ground.

"HEY!" Eddie shouted somewhere in the background.



"We'll finish this at home. Get him out of my sight," he growls leaving as Eddie attempted to help her up, but she pushed him away.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" She screamed getting up from the ground.

"Sarah I- I didn't-"

"GET OUT!" She screamed again tears in her eyes before she turned and walked away. 

She knew there will be hell to pay when she gets home.


"Why?" Carlton asked as soon as they got home.

"I.... He wanted research about you for his interview. I never thought he would do that. Please brother you have to forgive me,"

"Oh Sarah. Sarah dear it's okay. Look I forgive you okay just don't cry," he says cupping her cheeks as she silently cried.

"Y-You do?"

"Yes.... And in return for my forgiveness, I want you to be my first subject experience with the symbiotes,"

"W-What? Me? But.... But I could die!"

"It won't happen little sister I promise you. You'll be fine now it's either that or-"

"Okay okay, I'll do it. I'll be your first experiment,"

"Good. I love you sister I really do. Are you ready for bed?"

"No umm.... I was hoping I could take a walk just to enjoy the fresh air,"

"I'll come with you,"

"No.... No need if it's my last day I wanna be alone,"

"Okay. Be back in 30. I'll be waiting for you,"

She nodded her head as she walked out the door. As soon as Drake was out of sight, Sarah starting running in the direction where Eddie and Anne are as she at least wanted to see him one last time even though they aren't friends. She pounded on the doors multiple times until Anne answered the door.

"Didn't Eddie get rid of you?"

Sarah ignored her and pushed her way inside the house.

"EDDIE!" She called out as she heard rushing down the stairs.

Seconds later she was engulfed by a huge hug as she instantly hugged him back.

"I'm so sorry Sarah. I truly am, is Drake abusing you?"

"Dont worry about it Eddie I came to say goodbye,"

"Goodbye what do you mean?" He asked pulling away.

"In order to have my brothers forgiveness.... He wants me to be the first human sacrifice for the symbiote,"

"No,no,no,no,no. I'll make it right. Take me to him, I'm not losing my childhood best friend,"

"But yesterday you said-"

"It doesn't matter Sarah. It was painful for me to even say those things too you. Please forgive me, come live with me,"

"WHAT?!" Anne shouted before she could answer.

"Look Anne her brother is abusing her! I saw it first hand for myself. She doesn't need a guy like him around family or not!"

"Eddie you are this close for me leaving you. First you got me fired today, and now your asking her to live with you! Who is it Eddie? Me or her?"

"I'm sorry Anne. I have to help Sarah,"

"Fine," she says throwing the ring on the floor.

"Marry her instead," She growled before walking away. 

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