Chapter Five

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"Donni, we've been at this for hours. We need to figure out where we're going to sleep and what we're going to eat".

Adana got up from the ground for the twentieth time. She didn't know any other place they could train so she brought him to her mother's old hut. She cleaned out the multiple nests and leaves that blew in through the open window. It definitely wasn't what they're used to and they definitely needed to find more shelter. Right now, however, her only focus right now was to get some form of control on her powers. She knew something was different about her, she could feel her new strength. She just hadn't figured out how to tap into it yet.

Adana rolled her eyes at Mekhi, her frustration evident.

"We are not stopping until I get this down".

"Have you ever heard the saying too much of something is bad?".

"No, I haven't", Adana answered sarcastically.

"Well, it's the truth. Burning yourself out with this isn't going to help you. It's going to hurt you. Let's just get some rest and hopefully some food and try this again tomorrow".

"No!", Adana boomed. She subconsciously channeled her power and made the leaves around her catch flame. She jumped back in shock and fear, not sure exactly how she'd done it. Mekhi quickly grabbed the only blanket they had and placed it over the flames and stomped aggressively and put out the flames. He didn't want to risk a forrest fire.

"I ... I didn't mean to start that fire, Khi".

The memory of the pool party crossed both of their minds at the same time. All Mekhi could do was shake his head, trying to remove the memory from the forefront of his brain.

"It's okay, you didn't know what you were doing", Mekhi said, more so about the leaves catching flame then the massacre.

"I just feel like I have such a short amount of time to figure this out".

"What makes you say that?".

"Agatha didn't go into details but ... I feel like something is coming and I have to be ready".

"Ready for what?".

Before Adana could answer a cloud of smoke appeared in front of her making it impossible for her to see. The outline of a woman began forming in front of her. Her heart sped up as she mentally prepared herself to defend. She couldn't see Mekhi through the smoke but she could hear his loud chanting, preparing himself to defend as well. More of the humanoid image became visible and Adana felt herself relax as she watched the familiar features appear.

"Mom?", Adana asked.

Adana heard Mekhi instantly stopped chanting and his mumbled curse of disbelief came right after. The image in front of Adana was none other than Agatha herself. But somehow, she was different. It was like Adana was looking at a hologram of her mother instead of the actual thing. Adana reached out her hand and just like she figured, her hand went straight through what should've been Agatha's shoulder. Agatha's eyes were closed tightly and her image was very still.

"We don't have much time", Agatha spoke before abruptly opening her eyes, showing their abnormal green glow.

"Time for what? What is this?", Adana asked referring to the holographic type image in front of her.

"As I've told you before, I am very powerful and soon you will be too. What you see is nothing more than a projection of me that I sent to you so I can talk to you".

"Why couldn't you just come in person?".

"Enough with the questions. Like I have said to you before, you are part of the Melisizwe tribe of witches. Each generation of witches, when close to death, placed their power in the family heirloom that has been passed down in case of emergency. You are the last living generation in the tribe. You must follow the grooves within the surrounding trees of this hut. When you've reached the river, chant 'la congrega nera sorgerà' three times and then the door to the crypt will reveal itself. You MUST channel your power and be strong or the door will not appear".

The Dark Passage: Rise Of The Dark Coven (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now