Chapter Three

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Mekhi watched Adana intently. Since the pool party, she's been walking around like nothing has happened. Smiling and being the joyful girl she typically is. Mekhi, however, was completely terrified. He didn't like the unknown. If he doesn't know something, how does he move around to prevent things from happening? He didn't know exactly what it is that triggers her. It could be the smallest thing and next thing you know, an entire town is burned to ash. He wanted to bring the incident up to her but he wasn't completely sure of how she'll react to it.

Evelyn could see the fear on Mekhi's face when he looked at Adana. She wasn't sure what happened while she was gone in the village but she knew something was up. She hadn't seen Mekhi look the way he was since he was younger when Adana first came to live with them. She bit him one time and he knew that she was a threat to his life and strayed away. Evelyn was happy that she was able to explain things to him once he was a little older.

Adana was sitting in the backyard like she always is, writing in the notebook she carries around. Mekhi and Evelyn watched her from the small kitchen window, both for different reasons. Evelyn looked at Mekhi and still saw the fear and concern in his eyes.

"Why are you looking at her like that?", Evelyn asked him.

Mekhi snapped out of the trance he was in and tried to look innocent.

"What are you talking about?".

Evelyn put her hands on her hips. "You never were a good liar, Mekhi. What did you do?".

"Why did I have to be the one to do something?".

"Because I left you two alone for a few hours a couple days ago, and the way you were before is not how you are now".

"Why don't you ask that psychotic of a child you claim to love?", Mekhi boomed from anger. He didn't mean to be as loud as he was but his tone was motivated by his frustration. His voice carried to the backyard to the point where Adana could hear. She had never heard Mekhi and Evelyn argue before so something had to be wrong. She made her way back into the house and all the attention went to her.

"What's going on?", Adana asked looking at the both of them.

"Nothing sweetheart", Evelyn lied.

"Would you stop pacifying her!", Mekhi yelled. "That's part of the problem".

"What problem?", Adana asked.

"There is no problem, right Khi?", Evelyn said shooting Mekhi a warning glance. He stood his ground.

"You knew all this time what type of power she has inside of her and you said nothing. I could have died! Or do you even care?".

"Mekhi, you will stop this right now!".

"Or what?".

"Silenzio!", Evelyn yelled while blasting her power towards Mekhi, sending his body flying to the furthest wall. His lips began to seal shut making him unable to speak as well as being unable to move off the wall. Evelyn looked back at Adana's confused and terrified expression.

"Adana -"

"What kind of power is he talking about?".

"Don't listen to Mekhi. He doesn't know what he's saying".

"It sure seems like he does", Adana said frustratingly. She knew Evelyn was keeping something from her.

"There is nothing wrong with you-"

"Who said that it was?".

Evelyn opened her mouth but the words wouldn't come out. Adana shook her head in disbelief.

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