Violet was walking into the school when she heard her name being shouted. She turned to see Matt rushing over. She stopped and let him catch up to her. He rushed up to her. "Hey Violet... I really need to talk to you." He told her.

"Fuck off Matt." Megan said. "Don't think you can be cute and show your big brown eyes and think we will forget about what you did to Violet." She said. Violet shook her head. "Don't worry Megan. We already spoke about it. Water under the bridge right Matt?" She asked him. 

He nodded and looked at Ricky who had dropped Megan off. Ricky must've been told what happened to Violet, cause he had his muscular arm crossed and was glaring at Matt. 

"Yeah. I already apologized. This is about something different." He said to them. Violet walked Matt over to a corner away from her friends. "What's wrong?" She asked him.

"There was this guy who came into the store yesterday after you guys left. He threatened me. He told me to stay away from you." He told her. She froze. "What did he look like?" She asked him. As he explained what the man looked like, Violets heart dropped more and more.

She really did see Olaf yesterday.

"You need to stay away from him." She told him. "Trust me I told my uncle. And he's putting in more security cameras." He told her. Violet didn't think that would help though.

She looked at him sadly. 

"I just wanted you to be aware that someone was looking for you. I don't know if he happened to hear our conversation yesterday. Or they knew you and saw what happened." He said.  She nodded. "Thank you Matt. Please be careful." She told him.

"Can we meet somewhere? I need to tell you more. But not here." He told her. "Go to the lake where the party was. The rock hill?" She suggested. 

He nodded. She turned around and made her way to her friend. "Do you know who I am talking about?" He called out at her. She looked down. She did. "I might." She told him, looking back at him.

She grabbed Megan, and dragged her inside the school. She went to her locker to grab her things. She put her bag away inside and went to her first class.


Violet made it to her locker after school. She opened it and froze looking inside. There was a card inside, addressed to her. It was handwritten. She recognized the handwriting. She grabbed it and opened the letter.

'My dearest Countess. 

     Oh how I have missed you. I hope you have missed me. 

Seeing how much you have grown into a beautiful woman. Though seeing that others see that you are growing into a beautiful woman, it angers me. And you let them. 

I don't want others taking what is mine. And I assure you my dear Violetta. You are mine. You just need to remember that. But you're a smart girl, always have been, so you will learn soon. 

Wait for me. Cause when I come if you try to resist, I will kill your siblings and loved ones. Now burn this letter when you are finished. 

See you soon. O'


Violet felt her heart racing. She didn't know how to react at first. She was in shock. She crumbled the handwritten letter and grabbed her bag.

She put her things into the bag and as she passed the trash can, she threw it away.

She needed to protect her siblings. 

She walked out of the school where her brother, and Megan was waiting for her. She gave them a smile and went over to them.

She hugged her brother close. He hugged her back. 


Violet walked to the front door. Seeing Damien working in his office. His office was on the front door, and was at the front of the house. 

Violet put her hair up as her inventor mind was running wild. She had to think of a way to stop her family from being hurt.

She will stop this.


Matt was waiting for Violet where they was going to meet. He had to protect the girl. This guy seemed crazy and Matt didn't want Violet hurt. 

He walked around the sand. There was a small hut and he saw movement inside. Thinking it was Violet, he walked over. "Vi?" He called going in.

"Hello Matthew." He heard a familiar voice. Matt saw the man who threatened him at his shop, walk over to him.

 Matt saw the man who threatened him at his shop, walk over to him

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"You. What do you want from Violet?" Matt demanded. The man just laughed. Matt could tell that this man was a crazy. Insane even. "A very simple answer. I want her. Period." The man said. 

Matt had to warn Violet. He ran out. He saw people was now chasing him. He kept running. He was soon at the rocks. He knew the way around this and to climb it carefully. They wouldn't. 

He made his way up.

Once there he looked down. He didn't see anyone there. 

"I really hate getting dirty for no reason." That evil voice said behind him. Matt nearly slipped when her jerked around to face the evil man.

"I wont let you touch Violet." Matt said glaring at the man infront of him. All he had to do was push him. But Matt wasn't a murder, and that would be want he would become if he did push the man. 

He knew that if you didn't know where to jump on this rock, you could land in a shallow area or a rocky area. 

"I guess you don't know much about Violet's past." He told Matt. "I know enough." He snapped at the older man, who just chuckled. "Then I guess you know she's a married girl?" The man seemed to taunted.

Matt froze. Married? No she isn't. She was to young.

"She isn't married." Matt said. "Oh yes she is. She is actually a Countess. MY Countess, and MY wife." He said grinning darkly. "But like a child, she ran off with her siblings. I've tried so hard to get her back in my arms. But she keeps slipping to my fingers." He said lavishly.

"And I don't like anyone else touching my wife, and trying to steal her virginity before I can." He said in anger, but still remain to stay calm.

Matt didn't like the calmness. 

He needed to get out of here and warn Violet and her family.

"And now thanks to you, I can make it clear that I will have her no matter what she does." He said before shoving the teen off the rocks. 

Matt didn't even have time to scream, or even think of screaming before he felt a slight pain and it went dark.


Count Olaf looked over the rock to see the teen floating in the water, and nodded once. He carefully climbed down.

"Lets get going." He told his group of followers. 

He grinned as they drove off. Time to play Violet.

My Dearest Violet *Yandere Count Olaf x Violet*Where stories live. Discover now