Part 4 -

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"So, Trevor? How long had it been going on?" Ryan's voice was wobbly as he tried not to cry anymore than he already had been. As Danielle's house drifted out of view from dropping her off, the love he had for her had burned up, replaced with outrage and hate.

"A-about, uh... about seven months."

"Seven months, huh?!" Ryan's voice rose. "You've been betraying me for seven months?!"

"Listen, Ryan, it's just a girl-"

"Just a girl? I loved her!"

"You'll get over her."

"How are you so calm? Don't you have any ounce of empathy in you? Do you?!"

"If she cheated on you, she wasn't good for you."

Ryan's eyes gleamed with a vexed emotion he didn't even know he possessed. "How are you not grasping the seriousness of this? You dated my girlfriend when I was! That's not okay!"

"It's in the past!" Trevor shouted, pressing his foot harder on the gas pedal.

"I can't believe that you don't feel any bit of guilt! Traitor! If you weren't driving, you don't know what I would do!"

"Oh, you want to square up, huh, little boy? Alright, I'll get home faster!" Trevor slammed his foot on the pedal, nearly missing a turn and go flying off the edge into the canyon.

As they neared their isolated cabin in the woods, Ryan's blood was heated with anger. Crazy how in a single night something so strong could be broken as if it were glass. Was their brotherhood just glass when he thought it was steel?

Trevor braked the car, sending Ryan's head forward and into the front of the truck. He gasped shakily as he pressed his hand on his forehead, finding blood oozing from a tiny gash. He heard Trevor slam the door, open his, and grab Ryan by the shoulders and hurl him onto the rocky ground. Ryan scrambled to his feet, barely missing Trevor's punch towards the ground that now went full-force into the rocks. Trevor was unfazed, picked the rocks out of his knuckles, but Ryan barreled into him as he was doing so and sent him back first into the hood of the car. The two brothers rolled off it and into the ground, a tumble of blood, punches, scratches, and dust as they fought around the yard.

Suddenly, a deafening sound rang through the air. The two brothers separated, staring wide-eyed at their father on the porch. Thomas Philips held a pistol to the sky, veins popping out of his head from fury. He didn't have to say anything. Ryan and Trevor shuffled inside the house and into their separate bedrooms, ignoring their desires to beat the other one to dust.


The sun rose over the horizon of Canada, sending the birds flocking out of their nests and awakening the elk from their rest. Trevor stumbled from his room and into the kitchen, spying his mother at the table at the window.

"Morning, Mom."

"Hey, Trevor."

"You feeling okay?" Trevor asked as he made his morning coffee.

"I... I guess. No migraines yet."

"That's great." Trevor smiled, his shoulders sagging from relief at the idea that his mother was healing. She had constant attacks of migraines from a cancerous brain tumor the doctors had only recently removed from her skull. She had a couple of migraines as a side effect, but that's all she experienced. Maybe she would survive the malignant illness.

"Where's your brother?" She asked with a raspy tone.

"Asleep, I bet." Trevor mumbled.

"Well, I'm awake now." Ryan shuffled through the hallway in his slippers, flicking them off and sending them flying across the room.

"Pick those up and at least pretend to act like you are an adult." Trevor ordered, blowing the steam off his coffee.

"I only just graduated. Leave me alone for once!" Ryan snarled, leaving his shoes where they landed.

Ever since the incident many years ago, Trevor and Ryan's relationship had never recovered. They always bickered, and it was no longer in meaningless teasing. Ryan has graduated from school at eighteen about a month ago, which Trevor didn't attend. Ryan didn't mind, often acting like Trevor never existed. In front of Trevor, he acknowledged his status as the favorite son and took advantage of it just to annoy his older brother. He blamed Trevor for things he didn't do, was on his case about everything and nitpicking everything Trevor did wrong, and even lied to their parents that Trevor had drugs, which they believed without any evidence because Ryan was the good son, the honest son, the son that could do no wrong. This began a dark grudge for Ryan, and Trevor, who was slowly succumbing to his psychopathic tendencies, often had images of doing far worse things to Ryan than beating him up. Sometimes he loathed it, sometimes he embraced it.

"Ah, boys, my head!" Beatrice reminded, rubbing the side of her head.

"Are you okay?" Trevor started walking towards her.

"Yes boy, I'm fine, give me space." She whispered, groaning as she held her head in her hands.

Ryan appeared by Trevor's side, whispering, "If only you didn't nag at me."

Trevor could only give his lovely little brother a death stare as he laughed silently like a pestering kid, nearly skipping to the fridge and grabbing an apple to eat.

"I... I need to go lie down." Beatrice said anxiously, standing up ungracefully as she acted like she had no balance.

"Do you need help?" Trevor asked, stress forming as the tone of his mother's voice frightened him.

"No, no, I'm... I'm..." Mrs. Philips clasped the doorway to the corridor, took one more step, then plummeted to her knees and onto the ground.

"Mom!" The brothers screamed in unison as they nearly tripped over each other trying to get to their mother.

"Mom! Look at me! Are you okay?!
Who do I call?!" Ryan shrieked, his words hard to understand since he was speaking so fast.

Heart attack? Stroke? A result of the tumor? A thousand thoughts swarmed in Trevor's mind as he was too much in shock to say anything.

"I- I'm going to go get help! Please, hang on!" Ryan stood up, but Beatrice clutched his wrist.

"Ryan..." she choked on her words, a tear dripping from her eye and onto the floor. "My will... it's... it's yours... I'm.. so.. sor..."

In the span of less than a minute, their mother was dead.

The Tale Lost In Time - A GTA V Headcanon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now